USNA 2025 Waiting and....Waiting

I kinda feel like we need to have a happy hour sometime. Virtual or not... This cycle has been torture!
DD has LOA but needs waiver. We have been told it may take until mid May to get the final notice. I will be having full on ALL DAY happy hours daily if that is the case :yikes:.This is the most torturous thing ever. Good thing DD is dealing better than me! I'm a nutcase.
Who's still in???

I can't help but still check in. After all of this it seems weird that it's not happening.

My DD is handling things surprisingly well. Looking at what is offered as part of NROTC-MO, we really have no complaints. As soon as she received her TWE her immediate response was that she was going to reapply. After talking and sleeping on it, I'm not 100% sure yet that she will. I told her that whatever she wants to do she has our full support. I think knowing that the app is open now and she'd have to immediately jump back into this is somewhat exhausting and daunting considering how beat up she felt.

Anyway - that's a lot of rambling and probably more info than you care about to just say that I wish you all the best. Either while you're waiting, if you got the decision you wanted (CONGRATS!) or if you get the decision you didn't want (I'm sorry, but keep pressing on). Stay encouraged that you'll end up being where you are meant to be. Sometimes you just travel down a different path than you expected to get there.

Now I need to figure out what to do with my extra time. I guess venture over to the ROTC thread? I'll miss you guys! LOL

Good luck!
Where is her NROTC-MO placement?
Each year is different, but I believe more than a dozen came off the waitlist last year.
Suggest reviewing the "Double Portal" thread and trying that. It will have a more accurate update in terms of "under review" than the main portal, at least that was the case for my DS. His regular portal still shows "Application Submitted" but the second one shows under review. I would guess ALL applications are under review at this point.
Not exactly sure where to find the double portal thread
That is AMAZING! Congrats to your DS. My DS went from EA to RA to no thank you with the USCGA on 4/1. It was an emotional roller coaster for sure. Still holding out hope for USNA and USAFA, but man its fading fast...
Sorry to hear about the no thank you from USCGA. Hopefully one of the other two will work out for you today.
DS just got the call from ROTC at Notre Dame. Huge weight off of his shoulders if USNA or NAPS offer doesn’t come. Still no emails or portal updates for him. From all I have read on these forums I would guess that all USNA appointments will go out by midnight tonight but NAPS will likely take longer. Good luck to all of those still in Academy limbo, and for those with TWEs embrace the next step regardless of where it takes you, it’s likely where you are meant to be.
There is no need to contact Admissions tomorrow....they are working hard to let everyone know ASAP. Every email they have to respond to takes someone away from the task at hand. (Frankly, I suspect emails will be ignored until the decision is made). Admissions is well aware of the goal to let everyone know today..but I have received an email indicating that it may another week before EVERYONE is notified of status. (Again, USNA's goal has always been MOST will know by April 15, and looking at my Candidates, that has been achieved)
So we are two weeks from the SA’s decision day and we may still not know for another week?