Waiver denial nooooooooo!


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 15, 2009
Well, as expected, my waiver was denied. Unfortunately, we did not send in the information that was very important. The Doctors are writing the letters about the info, and have yet to send it.

Mr. Mullen, I need your help now more than ever. I am currently at School, so I do not have access to my e-mail. How can I appeal a waiver denial?
Well, as expected, my waiver was denied. Unfortunately, we did not send in the information that was very important. The Doctors are writing the letters about the info, and have yet to send it.

Mr. Mullen, I need your help now more than ever. I am currently at School, so I do not have access to my e-mail. How can I appeal a waiver denial?

I've forwarded this to Mr Mullen for you... :biggrin:

Mr. Mullen Says........... "Thanks for forwarding, I will post something tonight"
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Appeal to whomever sent you the letter. We have had several private communications regarding your case. BTW, thanks for replying to my email....
It can be as simple as one line requesting to have your waiver denial reconsidered, or you can go into more detail. I would suggest going into more detail.

You were waiver denied, explain to the waiver authority why your case should be reconsidered, and why your waiver should be granted.

Does you medical issue limit your physical activities in any way? Does your medical issue limit your ability to work? Does your medical issue limit your ability to participate in extra-curricular activities (i.e. skiing, swimming, mountain biking)? Put into YOUR words how this medical issue has limited you, if at all, and what activities you participate in and what limitations you have with those activities, if any.

There is no specific format for this. You want the waiver authorities to know that the issues they denied your waiver for will not be an issue. Tell them why it will not be.
It can be as simple as one line requesting to have your waiver denial reconsidered, or you can go into more detail. I would suggest going into more detail.

You were waiver denied, explain to the waiver authority why your case should be reconsidered, and why your waiver should be granted.

Does you medical issue limit your physical activities in any way? Does your medical issue limit your ability to work? Does your medical issue limit your ability to participate in extra-curricular activities (i.e. skiing, swimming, mountain biking)? Put into YOUR words how this medical issue has limited you, if at all, and what activities you participate in and what limitations you have with those activities, if any.

There is no specific format for this. You want the waiver authorities to know that the issues they denied your waiver for will not be an issue. Tell them why it will not be.

What are the chances of denied waivers would be reconsider?
LTCDRILLTEAM09 - This may sound harsh, but I'm really trying to help you. Your waiver denial will NOT be overturned. I worked very closely with the waiver authority to ensure you had the fairest of shakes. The waiver authority looks at evry angle to try and grant waivers. Your earlier posts do not reveal the whole story. I think what is in your best interest now, is to chanel all this energy you have into a plan B that does not involve the military. You clearly have a lot going for you. Use those strengths and find something that will be better suited for your skills and abilities. Best of luck in whatever challenges you tackle in your future.:thumb:
Knguyen - That is a blanket question that can't really be answered. Each and every waiver authority tries to grant waivers. While occassionally, waiver denials are overturned, these instances are few and far between. But waivers in and of themselves are reviewed on a case by case basis. The reason for that is, an injury, illness, disease process, syndrome, condition, etc, effect different people in different ways; the frequency, severity, and degree of debilitation runs the full spectrum.

As I've said previously for an example: A successfully repaired ACL (knee injury) 2 years ago might well be waived for entrance to a service academy, gibven the return of full range of motion, strength, and stability. As close as you can get to a similiar case, that happens in May will clearly prohibit entrance to the same Service Academy. There is healing, rehabilitation of the knee, and then just overall fitness that is negatively effected with such a short time before vigorous activity would be the order of the day.

So if you have a specific concern in mind, pls email me at Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil for assistance:thumb:
Mr. Mullen, I may sound stupid, but I am going to try anyway. My friend was in the same situation, denied-uncorrectable problem. He received news that he could not partake in ROTC. He eventually got the waiver.
I may be stubborn and obstinate, but I am still going to fight for something, even if all odds are against me.

If my waiver was denied, I at least wish to know WHY.
Still, I am going to try, and work, because everyone around me supports me. I may be fighting a losing battle, but I have only just begun to fight.
I'm sorry, but I am really hard to get rid of, and have never really taken anything without fighting back.:unhappy:
I didn't send a thing. I've been busy and/or working at school the entire month.
Although the waiver seems dead in the water, can we still have information passed through? It COULD help....though doubtful.
See, my friend was in the same position. Waiver denied, told could not get reversed, and now he is heading to VMI with a basically uncorrectable condition.....nystagmus or something..
See. I am probably talking to myself, but I can't stop. Although I do have a plan B, plus safety schools :thumb:
What I DO possess are:
2 personal letters
1 letter from a 1SG
A letter from orthopedic doctor
Letter from Neurological doctor
Resume/ Info sheet.
Soon to come, a letter from my general doctor......+ reports that I can do things the same w/o medicine.......I thought I was good...seems not:thumbdown:
My doctors are regarded as experts in their fields.
LTCDRILLTEAM09 - This may sound harsh, but I'm really trying to help you. Your waiver denial will NOT be overturned. I worked very closely with the waiver authority to ensure you had the fairest of shakes. The waiver authority looks at evry angle to try and grant waivers.

I may be stubborn and obstinate, but I am still going to fight for something, even if all odds are against me.

Here's the deal in plain English. I worked for Mr. Mullen for 6+ years. When he says he worked closely with the waiver authorities he's being nice, more likely he was breathing fire down their necks. When Mr. Mullen states that your waiver denial will NOT be overturned, listen!!

LTCDRILLTEAM09, feel free to be stubborn and obstinate. You state in another post that you have additional information, feel free to submit it. It will get looked at again. According to Mr. Mullen it will not change the outcome, and knowing him as I do I have to believe him.
Sorry for my tone sir.
I am really scared for the first time in my life.

What I cannot see is how all this correspondence and decision making could be done BEFORE I even sent the supplemental materials. Something doesn't seem right.
Ok - here's where we stand.

1) U have additional information and I'm waiting for you to scan in in as an attachment to one of our many emails and I will get it to the waiver authority.
the only items that will matter are the letters from the Orthopod, Neurologist, and your family physician. The other letter can be sent in, but will Not carry weight.
2) Because our data base is down till tonight, I asked "what phone number R U @ now." You said "Phone number Sir?"
3) I then spelled it out and you gave me a phone number without an area code.
4) By the time U gave me the complete phone number, it was too late.
5) I just called you at 10:30 MDT. Your message machine was on. I will call you back late this afternoon. Do NOT call me.
Ok Mr. Mullen, really? I thought there was somthing terribly wrong, and I was confused why I would be called. Sure, I will take care of that.No problem.:wink:
I will have the Neuro- Letter in the week. The doctors are ensuring the draft is complete/final.
Seeing as there has been alot of activity on this thread I came in to read through it and I want to pass on a few bits of wisdom:


*Every person's medical condition is different no matter how similar it may seem when you talk to them. Something that you may not even realize is important can be the difference between waiver and no waiver.

*The waivers are not decided lightly and have many parts that go into the decision.

*Mr. Mullen is an individual who is highly placed within the DODMERB heirarchy and your tone is off the mark when writing him in this thread.

*Realize that if the world were a perfect place everyone would get waivers; however, there are simply some conditions that are not compatible with military service.

*Please be persistent in trying to get a waiver, but there will be a point when a FINAL decision will be made and it might not be what you wanted. It appears that DODMERB has been super accomodating to you in multiple reviews of your case. Realize your case is not the only one in front of them, there are thousands of them.
It can be as simple as one line requesting to have your waiver denial reconsidered, or you can go into more detail. I would suggest going into more detail.

You were waiver denied, explain to the waiver authority why your case should be reconsidered, and why your waiver should be granted.

Does you medical issue limit your physical activities in any way? Does your medical issue limit your ability to work? Does your medical issue limit your ability to participate in extra-curricular activities (i.e. skiing, swimming, mountain biking)? Put into YOUR words how this medical issue has limited you, if at all, and what activities you participate in and what limitations you have with those activities, if any.

There is no specific format for this. You want the waiver authorities to know that the issues they denied your waiver for will not be an issue. Tell them why it will not be.

Thanks for the info HM,
I'm brand new to this forum and wish I had discovered it a year ago+ when my son started his academy application process.

Thanks to the Mods (like KP2001) and the contributors. This is a great resource.
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