Waiver Denied


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jun 10, 2007
Sorry if this posts twice...I have had some internet problems lately.

My daughter has received an LOA for the USCGA. She was disqualified by the DoDMERB due to a shoulder dislocation. (see listing below) We submitted paperwork, doctors statements, personal letters to DODMERB in support of a waiver. Looking at the DODMERB website today, it states that her waiver was denied. Is this the end of the road for her as to the Academy, or are there any other reasonable alternatives?

Thanks in advance.


Date Event Code(s)
17-SEP-07 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
17-SEP-07 Application Added
05-OCT-07 Actual date of exam
25-OCT-07 Date exam received at DoDMERB
25-OCT-07 Medical data entry
07-NOV-07 Date letter sent - Remedial R263.00, R251.02, R252.90, R220.00
07-NOV-07 Date exam reviewed
15-NOV-07 Date letter sent - Remedial R263.00, R252.40, R252.90, R220.00
15-NOV-07 Date exam reviewed
16-NOV-07 Date letter sent - Remedial R263.00, R240.00, R252.40, R252.90, R220.00
03-DEC-07 Date exam reviewed
10-DEC-07 Date letter sent - Remedial R240.00, R242.03, R242.06, R252.40, R252.90
10-DEC-07 Date exam reviewed
18-DEC-07 Date exam reviewed
02-JAN-08 Date letter sent - Disqualification D225.00
02-JAN-08 Date letter sent - Disqualification D225.00
02-JAN-08 Date exam reviewed
02-JAN-08 Date Posted To Waiver Authority
30-JAN-08 Date exam reviewed
01-FEB-08 Date exam reviewed
06-FEB-08 Date exam reviewed

Click the Code Number(s) listed below for complete information.

Agency: US Coast Guard Academy
Admission Status Change Date: 17-SEP-2007
Current Medical Status: Medical waiver denied (as of 06-FEB-08 )
Code Description
D225.00 Dislocation: unreduced/recurrent dislocations of the shoulder, history of
D260.20 Waiver Denied - USCGA

I'm sorry to hear about the waiver. You can always ask the waiver authorities to review the case again, and if you have new medical information be sure to send that in as well. The request should go through DoDMERB.
We really don't have any new information....unless you can think of something we missed.

The short version is her shoulder dislocated a few years ago when kicked by another soccer player (she is a goalie). No problems at all to reduce, no damage, went to rehab.

This fall (2 days before her DODMERB physical!), while playing on a wet surface, she slipped and fell backward and tried to break her fall by putting out her arm (twisted and behind her). The shoulder popped out as she hit the ground. Again no damage, easily reduced at the ER.

We supplied DODMERB with all rehab info, hospital and physician records, xrays, a letter from the orthopedic physician that states he feels there is no problem and it won't happen again, a video of her playing soccer with no problems, and a letter from my daughter explaining all the athletic activities she participates in. We described the two injuries to DODMERB just as I described above.

Unless you have a suggestion, I am not sure what we might add that would justify a review. I assume we can't just send a letter asking them to rethink it (or can we?).

She is a very strong academic candidate as well, I assume that is why she got an LOA back in December.

Any suggestions you or others have, we would really appreciate.


You can submit a request for a re-review any time. Just make sure it goes through DoDMERB.

I think the fact that the second dislocation was so recent is the cause for the waiver denial.
waiver appeal

We will give it a try....thanks again for the help and support.

Is there anyway we will be able to track the progress on the DoDMERB website (will anything change on it), or will we be dependent on the mail?

Thanks again.......

mri question

I hate to keep asking questions....but this just came up.

We are going to appeal the waiver denial. My daughter is going to send some letters from coaches, trainer and herself who all will substantiate that she shows no impairment due to her shoulder injury. Two of them are Division I soccer coaches who have worked with her in the past, have worked with her since her injury and are honestly interested in recruiting her, and will take her with no hesitation at this point.

But more importantly, the orthopedic surgeon who treated her suggests that the definitive diagnosis for recurrent shoulder dislocations is to have an MRI and have it interpreted by an orthopedic expert. My question is this......We don't mind paying for the MRI, and obviously if the results don't help our case we won't use it to appeal, but in your opinion, should we send our batch of letters and offer to have the MRI done, or do you suggest that we just do the MRI and submit the whole package all at one time. I tend to believe the latter option might be a better way to go, but I defer to the judgment of those of you who have experienced this process.

And how do we tactfully ask for a review. I don't want to imply that the waiver authority made a mistake, I want it to be as non-judgemental as possible.

Thanks again for everyones help.

Keep asking questions.. Its part of the joy of learning!!

In the letter to the waiver authorities state that you do not feel their decision was the correct one and that you would like a re-review of her case. Reaffirm what activities she participates in, and that she is having no difficulties. Definitely send the letters from the coaches.

As for the MRI and orthopedic evaluation, that is your decision. As you state if the MRI is not normal it will not help her waiver, but if it is and the orthopedic eval is normal it will help.

I would say go ahead and get the MRI and evaluation done as soon as possible.

As long as the letter is done in a respectful tone there will not be any issues. The waiver authorities are like DoDMERB, in a job where unfortunately they can not give everyone what they want. They know that everyone will not agree with their decisions. By asking for them to review again you will not be raising anyones hackles.

I want to let everyone know that my daughter DID get into the Coast Guard Academy. A bunch of remedials, a DQ, a denied waiver, then we appealed the waiver and she was cleared as of today. We received a personal call and email from the Academy verifying her admission.

Couldn't have done it without everyones help and encouragement. And I know it doesn't work for everyone, but as many people have said.........

Thanks again.

(proud father of a USCGA cadet, class of 2012!)
Congrats, mnolan. R-day is in 80 days. ;)

Doc - add another notch on your sword, you've done it again. :thumb::thumb:
Doc - add another notch on your sword, you've done it again. :thumb::thumb:

Thanks Luigi, but I really do nothing. I point the applicants and the parents in the direction that they need to take. They do all the work. All the congratulations go to them.
Don't you just feel awful for all the kids/parents who haven't found this site and really have no idea how to work within the system, and just give up? Hooray for Doc!!
Thanks Luigi, but I really do nothing. I point the applicants and the parents in the direction that they need to take. They do all the work. All the congratulations go to them.

Don't be so modest.

Once an electrician came to my house and charged me $85 for tightening one wire to fix a dead circuit. He was there 5 minutes.

When I complained "You are charging me $85 for tightening a single bolt?"

His response was "No, I'm charging you $85 for knowing which bolt to tighten."

We may "apply the wrench," but you point out which bolts to tighten.

mnolan, congratulations to you and your daughter for successfully navigating the shoals of DoDMERB and the application process for the USCGA!!! I am wishing the best of luck to your daughter on I-Day! :thumb:

And RetNavyHM, you are the best! I wish we had know about this DoDMERB forum a year and a half ago...