Watching it get real

Getting the vaccines was the first advice we got, and we got into to see the pediatrician just before my son’s 18th birthday. There is one that’s hard to find, and they just happened to have one in stock. We also had wisdom teeth removed.

I was pretty nervous about it all until the parade after I day. And then until doolie day out phone call. that was the first assurance I had he was fine and would be staying.

Congrats to you all and your kiddos!
Now that she has the appointment, I suggest working on the vaccinations. We see appointees every year scrambling to get the required vaccinations -- some may be hard to get this time of year.
Where would one find the required vaccines/ forms/ everything that will be required? I am assuming that it will all come out eventually so no need to worry about it too much? But also why not get the jump on it sooner than later?

Thank you!
Just noticed in the handbook that flu vaccine is required. Surprised on that. Does anyone know if it is possible to be exempt from any of the required vaccines on the list?
Just noticed in the handbook that flu vaccine is required. Surprised on that. Does anyone know if it is possible to be exempt from any of the required vaccines on the list?
Only USAFA/RR can answer this one authoritatively. In my ALO experience...the odds are VERY slim. The academy/USAF answer will almost ALWAYS be "This is about military readiness and global deployability..." or words to that effect. And they're correct.
I would guess not, we are required to get the annual flu shot in the military. And for cadets I'm not aware of anyone being granted an exception. If you mean because it wouldn't be available, possibly but for almost any other reason probably not.
Just noticed in the handbook that flu vaccine is required. Surprised on that. Does anyone know if it is possible to be exempt from any of the required vaccines on the list?
I truly mean this in a non-negative way....realize many have concerns over certain vaccines so writing this for others as well.

If you are vaccine cautious understand that the military will decide which you need and you will have very little choice. Not saying you'll be used in medical experiments....but you will need to come to terms with trusting their medical teams and taking whatever jab they give you. If this is something you really struggle with then you need to consider if a civilian path may be more your thing.

Whatever decision you make as long as it's right for you then smile and look forward!
It's my understanding, if you show up without a required vaccine, they will give it to your cadet the day they report! So, you can space out some shots now or your cadet can get numerous shots all at one time, as well as a blood draw.
So DD's boots arrived today. Her trying them on, and realizing that this is what it will be was enjoyable to experience. Along the handbook & TS forms etc it is sinking in that in a bit over 4 months she is off is hitting home.
Sorry for my ignorance, but does the AFA send boots to appointees once they accept? Is this to break them in? Or was this a private purchase?
Sorry for my ignorance, but does the AFA send boots to appointees once they accept? Is this to break them in? Or was this a private purchase?
They receive them when they arrive but we had heard the issued ones were not as comfortable as some other brands. I purchased a couple of different brands to try on and returned those after my DS found the most comfortable pair for him. He ended up with Nike and found breaking them in before IDay was helpful.
Sorry for my ignorance, but does the AFA send boots to appointees once they accept? Is this to break them in? Or was this a private purchase?
The Academy will give your cadet either 1 or 2 pairs of boots… they need to have 2 total. The issued boots are known to the cadets as “bricks” so… we bought our DS a pair and he broke them in prior to reporting on I-Day. Review the boot info in the Appointee Handbook. But, it is highly suggested that you buy your cadet a good pair of boots. Our DS used his bricks while at Jacks Valley for the water days to keep his good boots dry. But, they wear those boots many, many days, so having good, supportive boots is very important!
Sorry for my ignorance, but does the AFA send boots to appointees once they accept? Is this to break them in? Or was this a private purchase?
Please have your ds/dd get their own as well. We don't call the issued ones bricks for nothing plus when they goes through a certain course that involves water orrrr any rain ( very common at 1500 in the summer) they will need their boots to try out. Marching around in wet boots is both not fun and a possible health hazard if for long enough.