What are DD's chances NOW? (after report card "F")

LongAgoPlebe, I am pasting this on my highschooler's mirror. Great analysis of what grades are supposed to do. Thank you!

From this college instructor's experience, an F is not a fluke. It's a systematic failure in some habit -- studying, reading, doing homework to learn (not just to finish), not taking responsibility for one's learning -- or some systematic issue with learning -- not just learning disabilities, but challenges integrating and processing information. (Again, I emphasize I'm thinking about responsibility, not blame.) If it's the latter, an intensive course and/or a tutor (a good one) can help. If it's one or more habits, she has to be brutally honest and recognize that, then make a plan to correct it.
I would only add that she is young, and that her interests and passions may change again, even soon, and the service accademys may again be the desire, perhaps even with a greater vigor. Thus, encourage her to work on that math grade, and understand that those things that make a candidate strong in the eyes of the academies also will make her a strong applicant elsewhere. Preserve the SA option I guess it what I am suggesting. It certainly won't hurt.
Many Cadets have prior military service or college before entering West Point. She might want to reconsider later on. A year or two of college Math (through Calculus) could mitigate her failing grade if her desire to attend is rekindled.

Good luck to her and great question!
Going to a university and joining AROTC is an option she may want to try. It will give her an opportunity to see how she fits and whether it's something she wants to pursue further.
The bright side is that you were able to probe the level of commitment before you spent a year+ killing yourselves to help her make it happen. You would find yourself being the one who is "Invested " emotionally in the effort and unable to let go.

When for DD it was possibly only a good option, or seemed like a good idea at the time.