how competitive are Georgia nominations?
Impossible to answer as asked.
Please remember that the competition during the entire application process (both for nominations as well as for appointments) is wildly variable from year to year, and simply cannot be predicted other than to say that it will be extremely competitive, no matter what.
Each year, the pool of candidates (including the number, their composition, their level of academic achievements, their physical fitness, their ECA's, and everything else) and the number of available nominations to each Academy from each source (An MOC can only have X number of Mids at USNA, for example. Depending on how many graduated this year, he may have more or fewer slots to offer), can and DO change. Throw in the extra Kentucky Windage that allows a MOC to either rank his nominees or else just throw a list at USxA to choose for themselves, and you will see that answering your question is the same as answering the famous "What are my chances?" question:
It will depend in large part on factors that are totally beyond your ability to control or even guess at.
Your best bet in determining how competitive your particular state/district/sources are is to actually apply and see what happens. Same with your chances for an appointment. While one will definitely be able to argue that, for example, New York is more competitive than Georgia, the fact is that if you are in Georgia it makes little difference how competitive New York is because once the nominations are awarded, all the nominees get poured into a common bucket and the appointment process begins.
It may be the case that USxA will choose one candidate over another because the former is from a state that is under-represented at the Academy. I doubt that happens to any significant extent, but even if it does, again, it's completely out of your control.
The only thing you should worry about right now is putting together the very best package you can, and doing the best job you can selling it, first to your nominating sources, and then (hopefully) to your desired Academy. That's ALL you can do. So concentrate on THAT and the rest will follow.
If you get in, GREAT!! If not, then there's always next year. I knew a guy who was a junior at Purdue when he finally (after 3 previous tries) got an appointment to USNA. Now THAT is what I call being DETERMINED!