What to expect at the AFA.


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jan 2, 2009
Just a post on what I can expect if I attend the AFA. Mainly the lifestyle.
Long days, short nights, more work then you ever thought imaginable, Upperclassmen yelling at you for what you believe is no apperent reason, bad food, lots of Gatorade, push-ups until you puke....hmmm this begins to cover it.
lots of Gatorade, push-ups until you puke

gatorade is great, I love it when I do long bike rides. Do they allow you to water it down (it is actually more healthy that way)
Also, pushups are FUN!!!!
there was a pretty long thread going a few weeks ago with many current cadets offering their "academy experience" so far. can't seem to find it right now but i know its there...it had lots of insight that i'm sure you would find very beneficial and informative...or i might be wrong and its on "the other forum"
I was talking to my friend who goes to west point and asked him what it was like, but he said west point and AFA might be apples and oranges so anyone that can agree with some of these i'd like to know:

- i actually heard that the food was good quality, but it got tiring after a while.
-air force girls were the best looking out of the three sister academies
-varsity sports are really really really hard to get into unless you've played some high qualifying state team in high school.
-they graded you on your intramural sport by how you win, not necessarily how you perform.
-other things i cant remember right now... haha
Air Force Academy: "Nice place to be accepted to, nice place to graduate from, four years of total crap in between."

Nothing personal, just quoting. :biggrin:
Air Force Academy: "Nice place to be accepted to, nice place to graduate from, four years of total crap in between."

Really?? Four whole years of total crap? I know the first year has gotta be crap, but even then there has to be some good parts right?
My responses are mainly from my son's comments. Not my own. I'm old and the world has chanced since Bow and Arrows.

i actually heard that the food was good quality, but it got tiring after a while.
It's a lot better during summer seminar when they are trying to impress you. During the year, get use to chicken. Not that it's bad, just very little variety
-air force girls were the best looking out of the three sister academies
-varsity sports are really really really hard to get into unless you've played some high qualifying state team in high school.
YUP again. Unless you were a recruited athlete, there are very few walkons. But you can try. And if you are that good, they will take you. Remember; a NORMAL college will recruit say 18-20 freshman football players (other sports are obviously different). They are paying these students full scholarships. The academy doesn't pay athletic scholarships. They are getting cadets/future military officers first. So they can recruit 60 freshman football players (LITERALLY). And by the beginning of their sophomore year, only keep 25-30 of them. So they don't need to walk on extra players
-they graded you on your intramural sport by how you win, not necessarily how you perform.
In the air force; intramural sports are more for physical fitness, team work, and venting steam and frustration. But everyone at the academy is COMPETITIVE by nature, so take that into consideration.
-other things i cant remember right now... haha
Me neither
packermatt7 said:
unitedstatesAFA2013 said:
-air force girls were the best looking out of the three sister academies

This was definitely the main reason that I chose the USAFA...

Of course packermatt :thumb:

Meanwhile, back on earth...

Flyboy: Your question is very broad... Have you checked out the AFA website? www.academyadmissions.com it'll give you lots of good info like lifestyle, a typical day, etc. And if you still can't find it, I'm sure there will be someone on here that will answer it for you :thumb:

"he he oooooooooooooohhhhhh right!" - Glenn Quagmire
Lots of gatorade huh? well that is one plus.. maybe the only one i have heard so far.....