I hope you are all having a good week. I have applied to both the Naval Academy and the Airforce Academy and have heard nothing back from either of them. I generally take that as a bad sign but was wondering about everyone's opinion. Do they send all the rejection letters at once? When would a rejection letters come in? When is the latest I can hear either way? I thank you for input.
There are numerous threads throughout this forum that address this question. Last Thursday there was a relatively large wave of rejections in the morning. The admission board meets every Thursday so some assume there might another tomorrow. However, appointments and TWE's can go out at any point during the week. Many have already heard but there are also many who have not. USNA has rolling admissions so if you haven't heard yet, you've got until April 15 (when they garuntee you a decision). Many of your questions can be answered in previous posts as well as on the respective websites for each academy. I'm currently CPR (still waiting to hear from USNA), and I check my portal daily, but there's no sense worrying until April 15. Some say that every day that passes without a TWE is a good day. Rejections (TWE's) usually come in the form of an email notifying you of a portal change (although the email will tell you that you've been denied). Appointments (acceptances) can be given out multiple ways. USNA typically tells your MOC of your appointment about a week before updating your portal, in case they want to inform you first. Then, a week later, your portal will update, and some time shortly after that, you'll receive any email updating you of a portal change. Good luck!