Who Will Be There?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Sep 22, 2008
Alright I think its time for us to start a running list of people who have accepted their appointments. So if you have recieved an appointment and sent the "oh so official postcard" back please let us know. If you want to list your expected major and the state you are from that would be cool too.:thumb:
I got my appointment and sent in the postcard. I'm from Florida and I hope to major in Civil Engineering.
I received my appointment and returned the postcard. I from Pennsylvania and intend on majoring in Biology.
accepted appointment

Alright I think its time for us to start a running list of people who have accepted their appointments. So if you have recieved an appointment and sent the "oh so official postcard" back please let us know. If you want to list your expected major and the state you are from that would be cool too.:thumb:

USMA-2013, WA, Physics
Flieger - that is exactly what my son says!
he accepted USMA 2013 - MO - Mech E

FightOnToVictory-Florida-Civil Engineering
Luv2swim's S-Missouri-Mechanical Engineering
USMA-2013 -Washington State-Physics
Massachusetts- Economics

Btw, how long after the post card was mailed in did it take for people to get more correspondence?
1. Dave92390 - Massachusetts - Economics
2. FightOnToVictory - Florida - Civil Engineering
3. Luv2swim's S - Missouri - Mechanical Engineering
4. Ramscatcher9 - Pennsylvania - Biology
5. USMA-2013 - Washington State - Physics

FightOnToVictory-Florida-Civil Engineering
Luv2swim's S-Missouri-Mechanical Engineering
USMA-2013 -Washington State-Physics

good job sweettooth...thats all that was needed
Massachusetts- Economics

Btw, how long after the post card was mailed in did it take for people to get more correspondence?

if you accept online then their response is almost immediate...send the card anyway to be safe
I will be there. I just got my appointment today. I intend to reply within a few days. (gotta sleep on it :)
I am from Minnesota. Majoring either in Sys Eng or Econ. Havent decided.

Maybe its just me, but is anyone else a little scared/nervous?
Accepted my appointment last week. From South CArolina and look to major oin chemistry
Do a list, its easier to remember everyone that way

1. Dave92390 - Massachusetts - Economics
2. FightOnToVictory - Florida - Civil Engineering
3. Luv2swim's S - Missouri - Mechanical Engineering
4. Ramscatcher9 - Pennsylvania - Biology
5. USMA-2013 - Washington State - Physics
1. Dave92390 - Massachusetts - Economics
2. FightOnToVictory - Florida - Civil Engineering
3. Luv2swim's S - Missouri - Mechanical Engineering
4. Ramscatcher9 - Pennsylvania - Biology
5. USMA-2013 - Washington State - Physics
6. Phishfood - Pennsylvania-Chemistry

I accepted by postcard two weeks ago, they changed my candidate page on line to add personal info and uniform size, but I haven't heard anything else.

See you in June! Go Army, Sink Navy
1. Dave92390 - Massachusetts - Economics
2. etaylor2013 - South Carolina - Chemistry
3. FightOnToVictory - Florida - Civil Engineering
4. Luv2swim's S - Missouri - Mechanical Engineering
5. Phishfood - Pennsylvania-Chemistry
6. Qmeister - Minnesota - Systems Engineering or Economics
7. Ramscatcher9 - Pennsylvania - Biology
8. USMA-2013 - Washington State - Physics

I'm starting to get excited now (not sure why now instead of last week) it's cool to see how everybody's stuff is coming together. Nobody who hasn't tried for this will ever understand how much this means to us... I was thinking about that earlier, its kinda cool.
I'm in too

this is really cool. got my appointment in early dec. i'm from VA and want to do mech. eng./aero.

by the way, only got the online stuff (uniform, travel) and the accepted appointment on my candidate page too. nothin' to worry about. WP is going to be amazing and fulfilling in everyway.
....and here's the list.

1. Dave92390 - Massachusetts - Economics
2. etaylor2013 - South Carolina - Chemistry
3. FightOnToVictory - Florida - Civil Engineering
4. Luv2swim's S - Missouri - Mechanical Engineering
5. Phishfood - Pennsylvania-Chemistry
6. Qmeister - Minnesota - Systems Engineering or Economics
7. Ramscatcher9 - Pennsylvania - Biology
8. USMA-2013 - Washington State - Physics
10. ibman377 - Virginia - Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering