Your Favorite Fireworks Memory


5-Year Member
May 22, 2018
Happy Independence Day to my SAF friends! 🇺🇸🌭🍔🎇 We’re blessed to live in this great country. And fortunate for those who have committed to defend it.

In our county (a.k.a. People’s Republic of _____) fireworks shows are verboten because of the fire hazard. Got me thinking of the most memorable fireworks shows I’ve seen. Ironically only one took place on July 4th. My top three:

1) Bastille Day in Paris. I was there for work. Had dinner near the Seine, on the right bank. Afterward, stood among a heaving crowd, with a view of the upper half of Le Tour Eiffel. The fireworks exploded just beyond the tower, making for a spectacular show. Oohs and ahs sound the same in French. Though I did hear quite a few people exclaim, “Ooh la la.”

2) Above Lake Geneva. We once lived abroad, on the shores of what is otherwise known as Lac Leman. On National Day, we walked the 500 meters from our flat to a hilltop museum, where we sat on stone steps overlooking the lake, with the Alps rising across the water. The fireworks were shot from an offshore barge. The Swiss are taciturn people. But not that night.

3) Fourth of July at Antietam. DW was not yet DW — it was the early stages of our courtship. We drove into the mountains of Maryland, where we paddled a canoe on Antietam Creek and picnicked on the shore. In the evening, we brought camp chairs and another picnic to the battlefield park, where the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra played a wonderful concert of American music. The final was, of course, “Stars and Stripes Forever” — its ending punctuated by the start of a fireworks show. The history of that setting — the single bloodiest day in American history — was a poignant reminder that our freedom was and is hard won. God bless America.

What’s your favorite fireworks memory?
Multiple ones from childhood home, on the Fourth. Sitting with family and friends on the big pier that jutted out into the Sound from the southern end of St. Simons Island, beyond where mosquitoes and gnats would go, enjoying the salt breeze, clutching an ice cream or Slurpee or fudgsicle or drumstick. Watching the fireworks go up from near at hand to those on Jekyll Island and ranging along the coast and inland as far as you could see. No light pollution worth noting across the vast tidal marshlands.

And the second, Hong Kong, when we just happened to be there for some festival, and were in the Felix Bar on the 28th floor of the Peninsula Hotel overlooking Victoria Harbor. Holy sh**t that was an eye-watering display. There was even one that looked like a massive dragon. Multiple barges throughout the harbor.

Happy Birthday, country of mine, i wouldn’t trade you for anything, flaws and all.
Ten hour operational flight out of Bermuda, tracked and turned over a real world sub. We were vectored into approach north of the island around 9 pm. As we were in the turn, fireworks started going off in the sky to starboard. The plane commander got on the intercom and said, "looks like they knew we were coming in."
Nothing as exotic as reported above. Fort Lewis (now JBLM) has a great fireworks display every independence day. Preceded by great patriotic music by the Army band. Punctuated by live cannon fire in perfect timing with the fireworks. My kids loved the whole family day at Fort Lewis with plenty of Army vehicles to climb on and in, and plenty of small arms which they actually could hold. I think it is what inspired them all to serve. The fireworks were the perfect ending to the perfect day.