
  1. G

    Eczema Waiver

    Since I spent quite a while going through every eczema related thread on here I guess now that I have gotten a waiver for it I may as well make a thread of my own about it for other eczema sufferers. Currently the medical standard for eczema is no medication beyond moisturizer and 1%...
  2. T

    The Dreaded Concussion AMI

    Hey all, I'm applying for the USNA with two noms and I've hit the dreaded concussion AMI roadblock. I've already followed the directions in the letter DoDMERB sent me and submitted the requested documentation, but I am still left with a few questions. 1. Will my slot be given away while still...
  3. O

    What should my physician address in a letter?

    I was DQ'ed for high-frequency hearing loss in one ear (very minor btw). My ENT doctor told me it is not a problem at all and that he does not ever see it being an issue for service or life in general. It is not progressive and is only at a very high frequency so it pretty much just means I...
  4. K

    Medical DQ Question

    Good evening all, I was disqualified from service due to a few mental health claims made by a doctor earlier in life that was only resolved on my medical record after my DoDMERB process. I received a DoDMERB update on behalf of the Academy that states I am "Awaiting Receipt of Remedial" and...
  5. B

    AMI Submission to DoDMERB

    " R251.15 - Release to Full/Unrestricted Activities regarding your athletes foot infection from your doctor " This is what is required of me from DoDMERB in order to become medically qualified. However, I am at a complete loss as to how to provide this information to them. I have talked to my...
  6. E

    Somewhat Vague AMI Request

    Today in my DODMERB portal I was sent a request for an AMI concerning my disqualification for a head injury (very minor concussion in 8th grade). The request used specific enough language that I believe I should be able to satisfy it pretty easily, but I was a little confused as to why it didn't...
  7. V


    I’ve been trying to send out AMI Results from my remedial testing and my coordinator isn’t getting any of the documents. The documents have been sent in PDF format via email.
  8. V

    DODMERB status: Awaiting Receipt of Remedial

    DODMERB status: Awaiting Receipt of Remedial Background: 09/28/20 - DS’s apps added on DODMERB system. Unaware of this sequence of event or was never notified of this DODMERB event, DS’ s USNA apps was on standstill. 01/20/21 - Exam date. 02/10-11/21 - DODMERB Exam Receipt, & Review...
  9. 4

    Comprehensive Audiometry & Speech Question

    I did the initial physical, audiometry, and speech recognition back in October. I received a letter from DODMERB asking me to complete an AMI and get a comprehensive audiology/speech exam (R121.11). I've been trying to get this all figured out since then. The form was resubmitted to Concorde by...
  10. O

    AMI Request Help

    Alright, I'm in a bit of a pickle here. My application is complete and I even have my congressional nomination, but I had an AMI request from DODMERB. It shouldn't have been an issue as I'm fine and the records are on the up-n-up, so I tried to contact the person on the form I received through...
  11. N

    How to transmit AMI securely

    Hello Yesterday I received correspondence stating I need to submit additional medical information. I am in the process of contacting the various medical institutions now. At the end of the letter, it states that email is the preferred method of submission. I am hesitant to send that much...
  12. S

    AMI R251.12 & R251.13

    My son received this letter (below) today, should we be concerned? R251.12 --- DOES NOT REQUIRE A PHYSICIAN'S APPOINTMENT: Please provide additional information regarding patella dislocation , on the ATHLETICS/RECREATIONAL PARTICIPATION QUESTIONNAIRE at this link...
  13. amassusna

    USNA DODMERB - DQ for D155.8 Eye Astigmatism

    I have just received notification that my DODMERB Medical Status is: Remedial Requested due to a Code: R259.10 - It states: "Applicant pending Disqualification for D155.8 - Astigmatism in excess of 3.00 diopters, must complete AMI(s) before waiver processing may be considered" I am asking...
  14. AntonJart

    Responding to Remedial (Additional Medial Information)

    Hello everyone, Apparently the physician forgot to upload one page from my medical packet, and I received this: "Code: R251.02 Incomplete or illegible DD Form 2492 missing page 1 (front side) of the DD Form 2492." The official letter says that I can either send it by physical mail or email it...
  15. V

    What are the chances...?

    My DS has wanted to attend the Naval Academy since forever, and he is obsessed with military history, strategy and technology. My DS has a stellar record of achievement and phenomenal test scores (99th% for both ACT and SAT), and while his GPA is only a 3.90, he attends a very difficult high...