
  1. R

    USMA/ USAFA Exchange

    I know USAFA offers an exchange program with AFROTC cadets, but is there a program where Army ROTC can apply for a semester exchange to USAFA/ USMA? Thanks!!
  2. F

    Admissible Packet 4???

    Does anyone know when the incoming class of 2028 will receive their 4th admissible mailing? Also, what would be included in it?
  3. usmausmausmausma

    Premed at USMA

    Hey all, Incoming '28 cadet at USMA and I'm interested in going the premed route. Before I ask some questions, I know that some will tell me to relax and take it easy since I have only a few more months of senior year and break before R day. Thank you in advance but trust me, I have a bunch of...
  4. w@113r

    Changes to SA Nominations

    Just saw this announced by Service and Academy and ROTC Scholarship Insiders through a video. This will be in effect for USAFA, USNA and USMA for applicants to the c/o 2029 and to summarise: MOCs can nominate 15 candidates on a slate The number of appointments for Qualified Alternates is...
  5. C

    Summer Seminar 2024

    I applied to USMA SLE when it came out on the 1st, and I got in on the 9th. Is it usual to be accepted this quick? I also applied to USAFA and USNA Summer Seminar and still not heard back yet. Should I be worried?
  6. U

    USMA Appointment C/O 2028!!!

    Hey everyone, I just received a call from my congressman that I received an appointment for West Point's class of 2028! I wanted to share this news as the forums have been so helpful to me and I wanted to give back everything I learned from this process and if anyone had any tips for me coming...
  7. I

    Turning my life around in hopes of getting in

    Hello everyone currently a 1st year at my local California community college. Ended up here because ended up high school with 2.3 overall GPA and currently on a road to change it all. I started this semester absolutely terribly due to personal worries and life events that happened. But that was...
  8. O

    Waiver Appeal Process

    I am working on appealing a waiver denial for West Point and waiting to hear back from USNA and USAFA. Does anyone know the medical accession standards for hearing for various combat jobs? Specifically: Hearing Standards for STOs, CROs, etc. Hearing Standards for SEAL Officers Hearing...
  9. O

    What should my physician address in a letter?

    I was DQ'ed for high-frequency hearing loss in one ear (very minor btw). My ENT doctor told me it is not a problem at all and that he does not ever see it being an issue for service or life in general. It is not progressive and is only at a very high frequency so it pretty much just means I...
  10. C

    What do Waiver Authorities Look for in a Candidate?

    I've recently been DQ'd for a case of CECS that was successfully surgically treated a little under a year ago. I'm wondering what exactly are the criteria for granting a waiver. I've returned to full activity with no further issues. I've submitted my surgical notes and a letter from my treating...
  11. D

    Evaluation/Tips to improve for USMA application

    Hello, I am a high school junior looking to get an idea on where I need to improve as well as some advice GPA: 3.4 weighted (started poor in freshman and sophomore years before discovering west point, plan to include this in my essay and passion to get in) SAT: taking again in march, expecting...
  12. C

    LoA Expiration

    I received my LoA to USMA about two months ago. As usual, the first paragraph included a notice that it would expire on a pre-determined date if I hadn't completed my file by then. I completed all remaining items, except for the CFA, which I had to postpone due to an injury. I missed the...
  13. C

    Body Fat Percentage Worksheet Discrepancy

    Are cadets required to pass both methods of BF% calculation? I did some unofficial calculations, and using the first method, my BF is around 32%, but using the second method it's 26-27% (depending on whether the weight in my DoDMERB portal is used or the weight I took just now. I was about 1 lb...
  14. OrionVII

    Does anybody have any advice for cadets who want to go to USMA or USAFA?

    Does Anybody have any advice for high school students who want to attend USMA or USAFA?
  15. C

    CFA and LOA

    I received an LOA for West Point around a month ago, and am afraid I'm going to fail the CFA. I'm taking it this Thursday, and have to submit it by 10/15/23. If I send the results on the day I take it or very soon after, if I fail will my LOA be rescinded? I've heard it takes a while for them to...
  16. C

    LoE Questions

    I recently received a LoE from West Point. I understand that this is a good sign for my odds of admission, and that it qualifies me for an overnight visit, but does not mean much else officially. I also know that I was probably one of the earlier from my class to receive such a letter, having...
  17. C

    Sapper School Prep

    I am a cadet and received a Sapper School slot for this summer. To my understanding, the school has changed a bit over the last two years. During my preparation, I hear conflicting advice on how to prepare efficiently. Some say only focus on knots (I hear that I need to memorize the checkpoints...
  18. C

    Mathematics Predicament

    Hello all, I'm interested in USMA. I have some questions about the mathematics curriculum. For context, I took Multivariable Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations. 1. Would it be possible to place out of MA153 (differential equations) and/or MA255 (multi-variable calculus)? 2. Has anyone...
  19. U

    Injury very near r-day

    Hey guys, posting on here for some advice and input. I broke a pinky playing my sport, and have bot gotten it officially checked out in fear of complicating my just recently waived medical file. The opinions of multiple doctors off the record have been that there is shattering and loose bone in...
  20. C

    Hey! I need some help...

    Hi everyone, I'm a current HS senior and need advice and tips to apply and hopefully get into West Point. I Know I'm coming in late, but I've heard that I could always transfer after 1 year of college locally. I made my account somewhat recently in early February and am really working hard to...