
New Member
Dec 14, 2024
Hi all,
I've been a reader of the service academy forums for a while, but this is my first time posting. I currently have 2 nominations for USNA, and 1 for both USMA and USAFA. I am currently academically and physically qualified, but waiting on a waiver for my medical. I have had my exam results for a while, getting DQ'd at the very beginning of September. My noms have been in my portal since 11/21 and 11/23, and I was just wondering when a waiver would be issued. I know it's not super late in the game, but I assume I would be considered a competitive candidate at this point, as I am also a recruited athlete at USNA. I also had the opportunity to talk to the coach and was told it wasn't a big deal at all. I was just curious to see if anyone had an idea as to when I could expect a waiver so I can get the process started.
from my understanding it is up to each service academy if they want to pursue a waiver. There is absolutely no guarantee that they will. It may be a condition that is easily waivable but that doesn’t mean they will always pursue the waiver.
Basically, there is no timeline. It could or could not happen at any point.
Hi all,
I've been a reader of the service academy forums for a while, but this is my first time posting. I currently have 2 nominations for USNA, and 1 for both USMA and USAFA. I am currently academically and physically qualified, but waiting on a waiver for my medical. I have had my exam results for a while, getting DQ'd at the very beginning of September. My noms have been in my portal since 11/21 and 11/23, and I was just wondering when a waiver would be issued. I know it's not super late in the game, but I assume I would be considered a competitive candidate at this point, as I am also a recruited athlete at USNA. I also had the opportunity to talk to the coach and was told it wasn't a big deal at all. I was just curious to see if anyone had an idea as to when I could expect a waiver so I can get the process started.
It might be helpful, if you haven’t done so already, to go to the DoDMERB website and read the landing page and all the left-side menu items. There is good info on the process.

Things to keep in mind:
- The SA initiates the waiver process if they choose to do so.
- Waiver policies can differ across pre-comm programs (SAs, ROTC, etc.). One SA may waiver; another may not.
- The DoDMERB process does not have to be completed by the applicant submission deadline, and may go into the late spring.
- USNA and USAFA do not usually inform candidates if they are fully qualified. Appointments may only be offered to fully qualified candidates with a nom(s).
- Fully qualified: Medical - DoDMERB Q or waiver. Physical fitness - CFA passed. Academic/Scholastic - everything else the SA evaluates in its unique whole-person algorithm, not just numerical academic items.

Focus on what you can control. Stay in touch with your coach contacts. Tend your alternate plans. Continue to excel in current academics and activities. Soak up family and friends. If you achieve your goal, you will leave home at the end of June for 9+ years, only returning for short visits.