2028 State Nominations Thread

A Nom from state senator would be weighted more than a Nom from a local Congress office during a SA admission decision ? ( I think should be , since the competition level is different, just want to know it's true)
No, all nominations are the same for purposes of checking that box, but it is extremely difficult to get a nom from a senator from a large state because there are so many applicants. Earning a nom from one indicates a very accomplished candidate. Also, likely means that even if he doesn't win the senator's slate, he will be a competitive candidate in national pool.
That's a very big deal! Getting a nomination from a Texas Senator is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations to your DS!
Thank you! DS is over the moon. He never imagined that he would get a senatorial nom from our state.

No, all nominations are the same for purposes of checking that box, but it is extremely difficult to get a nom from a senator from a large state because there are so many applicants. Earning a nom from one indicates a very accomplished candidate. Also, likely means that even if he doesn't win the senator's slate, he will be a competitive candidate in national pool.
This is exactly our thinking. He is still waiting on our rep's noms, but earning a place on a TX senator's slate gives him more confidence in his competitiveness overall. Makes the waiting a teensy bit easier...especially with a TAMU/ROTC combo in the back pocket.
Thank you! DS is over the moon. He never imagined that he would get a senatorial nom from our state.

This is exactly our thinking. He is still waiting on our rep's noms, but earning a place on a TX senator's slate gives him more confidence in his competitiveness overall. Makes the waiting a teensy bit easier...especially with a TAMU/ROTC combo in the back pocket.
As someone who bleeds maroon, that's is an excellent Plan B imho. Best of luck!
Thank you! DS is over the moon. He never imagined that he would get a senatorial nom from our state.

This is exactly our thinking. He is still waiting on our rep's noms, but earning a place on a TX senator's slate gives him more confidence in his competitiveness overall. Makes the waiting a teensy bit easier...especially with a TAMU/ROTC combo in the back pocket.
Exactly our thoughts on the matter. The senator nom my DS received has given him more confidence in his application. We still can't believe it and it does make the waiting a tad easier.
Has anyone in Virginia heard anything?
No after my interview with Warner's USAFA panel they told me around mid December that those nominations would come out. As for my district, VA-05, my interview for their panel is this upcoming Tuesday on the 12th and they are known to let candidates know around Christmas Time.
So as it turns out that mystery nomination I got yesterday was from Senator Durbin! I had a feeling it was him but still excited nonetheless.
Did anyone from his office call or email? My DS has a nom in his portal from what we assume is Duckworth "IL62", but he hasn't been notified yet.
@futureusmcmom24 What do you mean? DD or DS was told he wasn't getting a Gillibrand interview? Or she doesn't conduct interviews?
DS submitted his complete application to Gillibrand on time but has heard nothing, so just guessing that he didn't make the cut for the interview. I think I read somewhere that she only grants interviews to top 25 candidates for each academy (but I could be wrong!).
DS submitted his complete application to Gillibrand on time but has heard nothing, so just guessing that he didn't make the cut for the interview. I think I read somewhere that she only grants interviews to top 25 candidates for each academy (but I could be wrong!).
Correction, Schumer only interviews top 25 candidates for each academy, not sure about Gillibrand, but we've heard nothing since September and her page says interviews are conducted in Nov & Dec.
DS got the call that he has a nomination from our MOC (Texas). I'm wanting to shout it from the rooftops, but keeping it close b/c it hasn't posted in his portal yet. I told DS he better tell me as soon as it does.
Did anyone from his office call or email? My DS has a nom in his portal from what we assume is Duckworth "IL62", but he hasn't been notified yet.
I haven’t had a single response from Durbin people, not even a confirmatiom of receipt of my application, did you hear anything at all?