A problem... retake CFA?


New Member
Nov 7, 2015
Please help!

I was asked to retake the CFA. The CFA scores I submitted are from NASS (a passing score). I wasn't expecting to have USAFA request a retake, and because of that I am doubtful that I would reproduce CFA scores better than the scores I got during the summer. Also, the deadline they gave me is about two weeks from now (too short a time to try and re-train again, and a packed schedule). What should I do? Does this mean I failed the CFA for USAFA?

Thank you so much.
If anything they've been weighting it less heavily over the past few years. Just give it your best shot and send in your stuff.
Sky, if the USAFA has asked you to retake the test, then my advice is you should absolutely do as they ask and retake it. They do not offer that lightly and they obviously think you're competitive enough to grant that privilege to you. Do your best and do not miss the deadline.
Let's be blunt here. If the academy is asking you to retake the cfa, then that means....., your application is NOT good enough, with the current cfa scores, for them to comfortably consider you for an appointment. Some may believe that the cfa isn't being weighted as heavily as in past years, but don't think about that. The truth is, your entire package matters. And each part of the package affects your total score. If you don't retake the cfa that the academy is offering you, then I would say you will decrease your chances, if any, of receiving an appointment. There's a reason they are offering you a 2nd try at it. If your total package was really good, and your cfa was good enough, or new and better scores wouldn't make much difference, the academy wouldn't be offering you a retest.

Some people think detests of the cfa are almost automatic. No, they're not. And for what it's worth, cfa scores basically come down to the following categories.

1. They suck. But the rest of your application kicks butt. If they can get you to retest and at least pass, you have a good chance.
2. They suck. And the rest of your application is average. Or below, so it really doesn't matter. You probably won't get an appointment.
3. They're average. But the rest of your application kicks butt. Better cfa scores may or may not impact a better overall score. You have a really good chance.
4. They're average. But the rest of your application is average too. They may or may not ask you to retest. Better scores could push you past average with good cfa scores.
5. They're above average. And your application is above average or kicks butt. You're in good shape. But nothing is guaranteed.
6. They're above average. But your application is also average. Welcome to the rest of the applicants.
7. They're above average. But your application is below average. They probably won't ask you to retest, because even stellar scores in the cfa probably won't help your overall score.

The point is, rarely does the academy offer a retest for the Cfa. If they do offer a retest, it's because they believe better scores can help put you over the bell curve of your competition, or make you competitive. Or they wouldn't offer it. If you decline to retest, you are saying many things to admissions. One is, you really don't care. Yes, that is what you're saying. And it is quite unlikely, that they will count lower scores in the cfa against you. Not saying retesting and getting better scores will guarantee you an appointment. But I will say with great confidence.... NOT retesting, when given the rare opportunity to do so, will actually decrease your chances from wherever you are currently. Take my opinion for whatever you think it's worth.
A lot can be done in two weeks' time when it comes to physical fitness. I learned this when I came out to train in CO two weeks before I-Day. I genuinely surprised myself with what I was able to accomplish.

Also, I get what you mean by a packed schedule, but it doesn't get any easier here. I really do understand...trust me...but let's just say (as someone else pointed out in another CFA thread) that it is possible to survive on 5 hours of sleep a night. Not saying it's a good idea to make this a habit, but there are times when you have to sacrifice sleep. ;) Knowing when that is necessary will help you a lot if you end up coming here.

Good luck to you. The timer has started. Put out like never before during the next two weeks, and it will pay off a hundredfold. Just don't get hurt!
You can do it. The CFA is a loading exam, which means each event has a cumulative effect on your overall strength. For most candidates, it is core strength that needs improvement: namely, sit-ups and running. DS is a football running back who puts in his roadwork in the mornings before school because football practice does little to keep one in shape. Good luck!
Please see the page 14 of the Instructions to Candidates for the Class of 2020. There has been a change to past procedures.

"If you fail the first CFA, you will automatically be rescheduled for a second CFA. Please note that failure of the first CFA will be taken into account when your file is reviewed. If you fail the second CFA your file will normally be closed."
I'm sure you're correct "in-the-know"; but I will say that I think it "MAY" still be somewhat situational. The reason I say that, is because I know an applicant "THIS YEAR - 2020", who did terrible on the CFA and was NOT offered a retest. The reason I say it's situation, is because their application also had them as "Disqualified". (Low ACT/SAT scores). So, in their case, the academy may have felt, that until/unless they become "Qualified", it would be a waste of time to offer a retest.

But the one good thing about the academy is; every year the rules do in fact change. That's a given. So maybe everyone gets to retake the CFA if they fail. Maybe it's only "Qualified" applicants who can retake the test. The problem with the instructions that you quoted, it that it says you will be "RESCHEDULED". The thing with that, is, you were never "Scheduled" to do it the first time. Most applicants practice, and when they're ready, they get a hold of their PE teacher and find a convenient time for them to administer the test. Some would use their ALO's if they had time.
Thank you so much for the replies, everyone! I worked hard on my application and I don't want things to end this way just because of one CFA.
But I want to ask one more question - how would you practice running a mile at this time? During the rest of the year I run before school at around 5:30 AM but it's freezing and extremely dark outside. After school I tutor and go to work right after that, and come home at around 8:30 PM. At that point it's also freezing and extremely dark outside, and in addition, I have no time to do my homework if I go running....
If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. Some suggestions...run at lunch time. Find a place that has a treadmill or an indoor track and run there at 5:30 in the morning. Find a local gym that you can pay a small fee to use indoor track or gym that you can run in. Take a couple weeks off of tutoring and use that time to run and practice the rest of your CFA. You also should be practicing the entire CFA at one time. You only have one more week, but it sounds to me like you are just looking for reasons why you can't instead of giving us reasons why you WILL, because you really want this. No excuses.
Thank you so much for the replies, everyone! I worked hard on my application and I don't want things to end this way just because of one CFA.
But I want to ask one more question - how would you practice running a mile at this time? During the rest of the year I run before school at around 5:30 AM but it's freezing and extremely dark outside. After school I tutor and go to work right after that, and come home at around 8:30 PM. At that point it's also freezing and extremely dark outside, and in addition, I have no time to do my homework if I go running....

Until you have the solid application you want, ditch the tutoring and the work. Resume them after you've worked to give your best shot.

Spreading too thin might make a good peanut butter, but not a cadet. If USAFA means a lot to you, alter your lifestyle to make it happen.
At USAFA you'll be running in the dark and it will be freezing. Take this opportunity to get used to it but also take all safety precautions.
Thank you so much for the replies, everyone! I worked hard on my application and I don't want things to end this way just because of one CFA.
But I want to ask one more question - how would you practice running a mile at this time? During the rest of the year I run before school at around 5:30 AM but it's freezing and extremely dark outside. After school I tutor and go to work right after that, and come home at around 8:30 PM. At that point it's also freezing and extremely dark outside, and in addition, I have no time to do my homework if I go running....

If you really, really, really want to be at USAFA then you have no other options but to retake the CFA. You will have to make it work! The sacrifices you make now in your schedule will be worth it when you get an appointment. The suggestions others have made are great ones.