Jan 9, 2016
Hello all,

I was wondering how much AFOQT factors in for SFT selection (and commissioning if that). Also, is AFOQT comparable to SAT/ACT? Would I need to worry if I got a high ACT single-sitting score? I'm taking the AFOQT this upcoming semester at the detachment.


Attachment 21, on page 287 gives you a conversion chart for SAT-E, ACT, and AFOQT Academic Aptitude score. That is 25% of you score for getting an EA.

AFOQT is a test with a bunch of easy questions in a short amount of time. Get a study guide on Amazon, search online for practice exams. Just practice until you feel you can comfortably answer all the answers in the alotted amount of time for each test.
So hypothetically, if I were to get a mediocre score on the AFOQT (but still pass), would it matter since my ACT score is 99th percentile according to the AFROTCI?
... Well if you scored 99th percentile on the ACT then you will probably do really well on the AFOQT. But no, it won't matter as your ACT will be used. If you want to go rated however, you still have to score well to get the rated position that you want.