So I have been DQ'd for a history of shoulder dislocation. Luckily I am fortunate enough to have had two corrective surgeries and I am just as good as before. However, I am submitting the remedial for my waiver and I have come across a slight problem.
DoDMERB needs a clinical note from my Doctor addressing that my shoulder is fine. However, it will reveal that I have a penicillin allergy, even though in actuality I do not. My fear is that I will get DQ'd for a penicillin allergy I do not have, but on record I do have.
My question is, does the Air Force even disqualify and not grant waivers for a penicillin allergy? Or should I not be worried because they will overlook the allergy since it is not why they are looking at on the clinical note?
DoDMERB needs a clinical note from my Doctor addressing that my shoulder is fine. However, it will reveal that I have a penicillin allergy, even though in actuality I do not. My fear is that I will get DQ'd for a penicillin allergy I do not have, but on record I do have.
My question is, does the Air Force even disqualify and not grant waivers for a penicillin allergy? Or should I not be worried because they will overlook the allergy since it is not why they are looking at on the clinical note?