CFA Pull Up Video Question


Nov 14, 2022
Hello! I submitted my CFA pull up video back in 1/30 after they determined on 1/29 that my CFA video was not up to standard and have not heard anything back since. My CFA score says its "SCORE IS ON FILE AND PENDING REVIEW" and my video is "ON FILE (1/30/2024)". Does this mean that there were no discrepancies found in my newly uploaded video or is it still awaiting video review for issues? The only reason I'm asking this is because when I first initially submitted my video, they reviewed it in less than a week and informed me there were issues.
My DS is in the exact same situation as you are. Resubmitted pull-up video on 1/23.
My DS's shows on file as well, but then above that it shows CFA passed and the date. I think it will be "on file" until it has been fully reviewed which for us took 3 months to change to passed. And a month after "passing" he received the official 3Q letter.
Hello! I submitted my CFA pull up video back in 1/30 after they determined on 1/29 that my CFA video was not up to standard and have not heard anything back since. My CFA score says its "SCORE IS ON FILE AND PENDING REVIEW" and my video is "ON FILE (1/30/2024)". Does this mean that there were no discrepancies found in my newly uploaded video or is it still awaiting video review for issues? The only reason I'm asking this is because when I first initially submitted my video, they reviewed it in less than a week and informed me there were issues.
No it does not mean anything. It means exactly what it says. Your score is pending due to it needing to be reviewed by whoever. It could take a few weeks or be approved right now. No time frame.
Hello! I submitted my CFA pull up video back in 1/30 after they determined on 1/29 that my CFA video was not up to standard and have not heard anything back since. My CFA score says its "SCORE IS ON FILE AND PENDING REVIEW" and my video is "ON FILE (1/30/2024)". Does this mean that there were no discrepancies found in my newly uploaded video or is it still awaiting video review for issues? The only reason I'm asking this is because when I first initially submitted my video, they reviewed it in less than a week and informed me there were issues.
It takes time depending on when your RC reviews it and then when the Department of Physical Education gets to it. My RC (Southeast) told me that since I had videos in before the 31JAN deadline if the vids were kicked back then he would let me redo the vids as needed. I'm just continuing to improve both in form and strength so that if needed I can record a better quality video.
My DS is in the exact same situation as you are. Resubmitted pull-up video on 1/23.
A couple hours after posting this, my DS's CFA turned green and stated "ON FILE and PASSED." At the same time he received a 3Q NWL letter in his portal.