Chances of getting off Summer Seminar waitlist?


New Member
Apr 12, 2018
I just learned that I was waitlisted to USNA Summer Seminar, how often is it that people get off the wait list? I think I have a generally solid app (35 ACT, national-level award, solid speech/leadership side) even though I don't have stuff like JROTC on it, if that helps give any context.
Don't make yourself crazy! SASS holds no wait for your application to USNA. If you want to go for the experience, awesome. If you think by not going you're a weaker candidate, you aren't. Boys' State is a great alternative during that time period and will strengthen your USNA application.
Just reiterating that acceptance to NASS has no bearing whatsoever on you being a strong candidate, or not.
NASS is a marketing thing - to introduce students to USNA - who otherwise may not even consider a Service Academy.

If you don't get into NASS, don't worry about it.