USNA Class of 2021 Appointments:
1) navyafgirl /(Self)/No LOA / Appt. Oct. 3, 2016
/ Not Yet Accepted/ VA - POTUS / Presidential Nomination
2) Navymom2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct.3, 2016/
Accepted/VA - POTUS /Presidential Nomination
3) MCJROTC_is_cool/(Self)/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/
Accepted/PA - POTUS/Presidential Nomination
4) Padre101/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 24. 2016/
N0t Yet Accepted/VA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
5) GregInMD/DD/LOA/Appt. Oct 24, 2016/
Accepted/MD/Senator Nomination
6) Navyboy17/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct 27, 2016/
Accepted/KS/Senator Nomination
7) Johnathan/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct 28, 2016/
NC-4/JROTC Nomination
8) USNAhopeful21/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/
Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
9) Nav21/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Oct. 28, 2016/
Accepted/AL-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
10) FloridaToUSMA2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 1, 2016/
Accepted/FL/Congressional Nomination
11) USNA2021_Dad/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 3, 2016/
12) Sandra614/ DS/ No LOA/ Appt. Nov. 27, 2016/
Not Yet Accepted/FL/Congressional
13) IRow2021/(Self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 2, 2016/
Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
14) Schul542/ (self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/
Not Yet Accepted/ IL/ Senator Nomination
15) Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/
Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
16) laxer98/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/
Not Yet Accepted/MD/Congressional Nomination
17) tmanbrin / self / No LOA / Appt. Dec. 7, 2016 /
Accepted / CO / Senator Nomination
18) Gonavy21/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/
Accepted /GA/Congressional Nomination
19) Midgirl2021/DD/LOA/Appt. Dec.7,2016/
Accepted/NY-03/Congressional Nomination
20) runxc8/Self/LOA/Appt. Nov. 23, 2016/
Accepted/IN/Congressional Nomination
21) candidate1999/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 14, 2016/
Plan to Accept/GA/Congressional Nomination
22) priscmcd/DS//LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/
Accepted/CA/Senator Nomination
23) Ohioman/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Dec 14, 2016/
Plan to Accept/
OH-14/Congressional Nomination
24) Ohio-USNA21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/
Accepted/OH/Congressional Nomination
25) Misnipe/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12/16/2016/
Plan to Accept/
MI-10/Congressional Nomination
26) mvgerdes/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/
Accepted/TX/Congressional Nomination
27) VADad23/DD/LOA/Nov 28, 2016/
Plan to Accept/VA/Congressional Nomination
28) ClarkRogers/DS/LOA/10-27-2016/
Will Accept/TN-03/Congressional Nomination
29) BReilly2017/(self)/No LoA/12-20-2016/
Plan on Accepting/NJ-Congressman/Congressional Nomination
30) navyg21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 19, 2016/
Plan to Accept/NH/Senator Nomination
31) mpk19/DS/LOA/ 12-02-2016/
Plan to Accept/NJ-07/Congressional Nomination
32) mdub71/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-23-2016/
Accepted/CA-48/Congressional Nomination (11-28-2016)
33) navydad21/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/
Accepted/WA/Congressional Nomination
34) USNA2021Dad/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-16-2016/
Accepted/GA/Congressional Nomination
35) batsirk/DD/LOA/appt. 12-29-16/
Plan to Accept/PA-06/Presidential,Congressional Nomination
36) Sam2018/DS/No LOA/Appt 12-29-16/
Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
37) Hooyah2021/DS/LOA/Appt. 12-22-16/
Accepted/CA-39/Senator Nomination
38) seaninsc/self/LOA/1-2-17/
Plan to Accept/CA-49/Congressional Nomination
39) USNA_Mom _2021/DS/Appt. Nov 2016/
Accepted/WI-8/Congressional Nomination
40) N3532C/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/
Not Yet Accepted/WI-6/Congressional Nomination
41) CTX34/self/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/
Undecided/TX-04/Congressional Nomination
42) Newport1965/DD/LOA/Appt. 1-4-2017/
Accepted/OH-15/Congressional Nomination
43) 697biling/Self/LOA/Appt. January 4, 2017/
Accepted/NC-06/Congressional Nomination
44) PackersRule4/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/
Plan to Accept/ PA-09/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
45) Bennington1/DS/No LOA/Appt. 1-3-2017/
Plan to Accept/IN-05/Senatorial and Congressional Nomination
46) servicekid21/self/No LOA/Appt. January 4th, 2017/
Plan to Accept/ PA-11/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
47) hanbanero/self/no LOA/Appt. 1.3.17/
Not yet accepted/WA-10/Congressional and Presidential Nomination
48) nap11/self/no LOA/ Appt. 1-10-17/
Will Accept/FL/ Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
49) hogiewonkanobe/DS/no LOA / Appt. 1-9-17/
Plan to Accept / KY-02 / Congressional Nomination
50) blueplate99/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/
Accepted/ CA-03/Congressional Nomination
51) April75/DD/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/
Accepted/ AZ-04/Congressional Nomination
52) AZSunDevil/DS/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/
Accepted/AZ-08/Congressional and Senatorial Nomination
53) promethium/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/
Plan to Accept/PA/Congressional Nomination
54) Go_Navy/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13, 2017/
Plan to Accept/CA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
55) OrionDad/DD/no LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/
Not yet accepted/MI/Congressional Nomination
56) Gonavy2021/self/LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/
Accepted/TX-20/Congressional Nomination
57) NoPhlyZone#215/self/No LOA/Appt. January 12th, 2017/
Accepted/PA-02/Congressional Nomination
58) coas/DS/no LOA/Appt. Jan 12th, 2017/
Accepted/TX-12/Congressional Principal Nomination
59) MidwestSailor20121/DS/No LOA/Appt. Jan 13th, 2017/
Accepted/IA/Senatorial and Presidential Nomination
60) lusadi/self/LOA/Appt. January 18th, 2017/ Planning to Accept/ NJ - 7 / Congressional Nomination
Wow, the class keeps on growing and growing! I can't wait to see you all on I-Day! Stay strong!