Coffee thread

What we really need is a Cocktail with Bacon and Coffee. It’s in the googlesphere somewhere.
I drink a lot of coffee. I’m not overly picky about my coffee, but I favor it simple, hot, and black. My go-to at home and my office is a Keurig with either Dunkin or McCafe cups. Of course, it’s always best when I’m drinking it from a Service Academy Forums mug.

I am not a coffee snob per se. But, because I like my coffee plain, I can be a bit picky when it comes to bad coffee. The cheap stuff (MH, Folgers, most store brands, etc) has become undrinkable*.

My preferred roast is French, though Starbucks' Verona is my current go-to at the local wholesale club. Keurigs are too expensive, slow, or painful for me in the morning. (Half pot brewed if just me. full if anyone visiting) They do provide some manner of usefulness for a rare afternoon cup.

I agree regarding maintaining a beautiful patina on your mug. My first day of corporate office employment, the guy showing me around told me to bring in a black mug so I would never have to wash it. Made sense then and now.

*Undrinkable is an exaggeration when it comes to coffee and addiction. Though, if I have any choice in the matter, I will throw house grinds in mill for 10-20 seconds to "freshen" them and/or add just a dash of baking soda to kill the oily, bitter taste. Must be careful, though, or I'll lose the patina on my mug.
WFH able to eat breakfast and let the walmart coffee maker do it's thing. I have two cups every morning.

Wife hates my coffee cups. I believe it was my first chief told me never wash your cup, so I ever have.

One of my team members, knowing how much I like Turkey and Turkish culture, brought me back a cezve after visiting his family in Istanbul. It looks like this:
You have to use a very fine grind of coffee. Add it directly to the water, bring it slowly to a near boil. Pour into a small cup, being careful to not include the grinds. Add a healthy amount of sugar and enjoy. It’s a wonderful ritual, but can’t be hurried. Every now and then, I do it because it takes me back to the banks of the Bosporus in one of the world’s greatest cities.
The method @brewmeist describes as 'Toddy' is how my parents made coffee. A white tumbler with 3 legs, a rubber stopper, and two reusable filters (store in clean water in the fridge when not in use).

Add grounds of your choice (mom and dad were Folgers folks--fancy stuff wasn't really a thing in our rural farm town), and pour water over the grinds. Cover with Saran Wrap and let sit 24 hours, sometimes dad would go 30ish.

Then, you set the contraption on top of a mason jar and pull the stopper out. The tricky part is don't spill the liquid mana from heaven (ask me how I know this one), and then store it in the fridge.

Essentially cold brew concentrated coffee 'syrup'. You add the quantity you want (typically 2 T per coffee cup for dad) and pour hot water from the kettle on top. Never failed---perfectly made uber fresh coffee. Then, mom would task one of us to go scatter the grounds around her rose bushes.

Haven't thought of that in years. Now, I like a nice French press on the weekend. If the grinds are fresh, no creamer no sugar.

My DD thought I was crazy when I sent her on a camping trip with my French press. The next morning, I get pictures of DD and her BFF with smiles and coffee mugs. She promptly bought her own. And she made me a fresh cup using her press just last Sunday.

Daily, one cup for me, using a Keurig, a splash of french vanilla creamer, in my "Best Navy Mom" DD gifted me after her trip to USNA last summer.

But, this thread may see me revisiting my parent's brew method. And trying Black Rifle coffee.