Congrats to 2021 Appointees & Hopefuls (from a 2020 Mom )


We knew it would happen. You worked hard for this but . . .

The paperwork is just beginning.
A few pressing matters you need to take care of ASAP are:
  • Sign and return your Acceptance Letter now!
  1. Passport (Must be Valid for 4 Years minimum)
    Get your Passport now!
    It can take 45-60 days.

  2. TWIC Card® Apply NOW!

    Indicate the purpose for the card is for employment as a Merchant Mariner and that the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy is the employer.
    Apply for TWIC at least 6 to 10 weeks prior to when the card will be required.
    TWIC applicants are experiencing delays of more than 75 days to receive their TWIC card.

  3. Physical Readiness Program
    Start working out NOW!
    During Plebe Indoctrination you will take two physical fitness tests.
    The first fitness test, Initial Strength Test (IST), will be conducted on the second day and consists of maximum curl-ups in two minutes, maximum push-ups in two minutes and a timed 1.5 mile run.
    The second fitness test near the end of the two weeks, the Final Strength Test (FST), includes maximum push-ups in two minutes, maximum curl-ups in two minutes and a timed 1.5 mile run.Take Swimming Lessons (if you don't know how to swim)

  4. You will need all of these at INDOC (Tuesday, June 27th) to be able to sign in.

  5. Get a hold of your local Parent Association.
    They will be holding Welcome Aboard celebrations before INDOC.

    Fun Indoc video


From another 2020 mom - there was a bit more to the TWIC card process than we expected. We were VERY fortunate and there was an office within a couple of miles of our home. We later learned of other families who had to drive several hours to the nearest location. There will be many things on your to-do list between now and indoc and the time will fly by. Don't let that very important TWIC application get pushed back too far!
Like everything else there are no written maximum and minimum scores are for the IST.
It's all a matter of interpretation. In the past Candidates have reported to INDOC in unacceptable physical condition.
When the IST was administered the second day it was questionable whether they really passed the CFA.
I suggest you shoot for the PHYSICAL READINESS TEST COMMISSIONING STANDARDS scores listed in the attachment:
Curl Up: 62-72
Sit Ups: 51-54
1.5 mile Run: 11:00 minutes
Curl Up: 62-68
Sit Ups: 24-33
1.5 mile Run: 13:30 minutes
These would be the Minimums. Anything above that would look good.
Please look at the Attachment as it has a comprehensive workout program to start NOW!
Your physical fitness preparation program should be taken seriously and should be geared toward body fitness.
To prepare you for the rigorous physical demands of Plebe Indoctrination, it is recommended that you follow this seven week exercise routine.

I hope this helps!


Congrats to all the appointees! If your student has received an appointment, you received an invitation with their appointment packet to be part of the official class of 2021 facebook group (USMMA Class Of 2021 Parents - KP Official). We're here to answer your questions and support you through your journey.
Congrats to all the appointees! If your student has received an appointment, you received an invitation with their appointment packet to be part of the official class of 2021 facebook group (USMMA Class Of 2021 Parents - KP Official). We're here to answer your questions and support you through your journey.

Please be aware that the academy does not sanction, nor does it endorse, any of these parent groups. Any group claiming to be "KP Official" is simply misleading. There are several groups out there. I suggest you join them and see which provide the best information and support.
Congrats to all the appointees! If your student has received an appointment, you received an invitation with their appointment packet to be part of the official class of 2021 facebook group (USMMA Class Of 2021 Parents - KP Official). We're here to answer your questions and support you through your journey.

Please be aware that the academy does not sanction, nor does it endorse, any of these parent groups. Any group claiming to be "KP Official" is simply misleading. There are several groups out there. I suggest you join them and see which provide the best information and support.

Since we received the information about the page (mentioned by kpskilegac in an earlier post) from the admissions office with the appointment for my son, that's the group we joined. They seem very knowledgeable and helpful and have lots of good information.
Like everything else there are no written maximum and minimum scores are for the IST.
It's all a matter of interpretation. In the past Candidates have reported to INDOC in unacceptable physical condition.
When the IST was administered the second day it was questionable whether they really passed the CFA.
I suggest you shoot for the PHYSICAL READINESS TEST COMMISSIONING STANDARDS scores listed in the attachment:
Curl Up: 62-72
Sit Ups: 51-54
1.5 mile Run: 11:00 minutes
Curl Up: 62-68
Sit Ups: 24-33
1.5 mile Run: 13:30 minutes
These would be the Minimums. Anything above that would look good.
Please look at the Attachment as it has a comprehensive workout program to start NOW!
Your physical fitness preparation program should be taken seriously and should be geared toward body fitness.
To prepare you for the rigorous physical demands of Plebe Indoctrination, it is recommended that you follow this seven week exercise routine.

I hope this helps!

I believe you mean 'Push-ups' instead of 'Sit Ups'...according to the fitness document:

Males (ages 17-19):
Curl-ups: 62
Push-ups: 51
1.5 mile run: 11:00 minutes
Females (ages 17-19):
Curl-ups: 62
Push-ups: 24
1.5 mile run: 13:30 minutes

I'm surprised there are no swimming requirements? Is there a standard they must meet in swimming?
Yes, you have to pass the first swimming class, which is strokes, treading, etc. The second swimming class is a survival type class. So while there is no swimming on the PRT, you still have to do about 6 months worth of swimming classes, pretty miserable.
In our official BFE from Kings Point, it has a handout on joining the USMMA Class Of 2021 Parents Facebook group.

We did ask to join but have not been approved for some reason after several days.
Yes, you have to pass the first swimming class, which is strokes, treading, etc. The second swimming class is a survival type class. So while there is no swimming on the PRT, you still have to do about 6 months worth of swimming classes, pretty miserable.

The preferred goal however is to keep the ship from sinking and/or not fall overboard. Contrary to popular belief, the closest land is NOT 72 miles East / relative, it's usually about a mile straight down. :yikes:
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Yes, you have to pass the first swimming class, which is strokes, treading, etc. The second swimming class is a survival type class. So while there is no swimming on the PRT, you still have to do about 6 months worth of swimming classes, pretty miserable.

So, we've signed up our DS for swimming lessons as he is an AZ type pool swimmer and hasn't received any real swim lessons. Do you think this is wise before Indoc? Or, will he learn them in the process and we should spend the money elsewhere?
So, we've signed up our DS for swimming lessons as he is an AZ type pool swimmer and hasn't received any real swim lessons. Do you think this is wise before Indoc? Or, will he learn them in the process and we should spend the money elsewhere?
Not really a necessity, but DS will appreciate it when he has one less thing to worry about once he's there. You definitely do not want to draw attention to yourself by being among the worst swimmers.
So, we've signed up our DS for swimming lessons as he is an AZ type pool swimmer and hasn't received any real swim lessons. Do you think this is wise before Indoc? Or, will he learn them in the process and we should spend the money elsewhere?

Not really a necessity, but DS will appreciate it when he has one less thing to worry about once he's there. You definitely do not want to draw attention to yourself by being among the worst swimmers.

Honestly, they'll find at least one thing about everybody to make fun of. Drawing attention to yourself about not being able to swim well is just not worth taking the time to think about. Just enjoy the time before the academy.

The swim class teachers I had were coaches of other sports, and I don't think they themselves knew very much about swimming. But they didn't hesitate to 'roast' almost everyone in the class at some point. As long as he isn't scared of the water, I don't think swim lessons are necessary. Maybe just get him some time in a good pool and some YouTube videos.

will he be one of the worst swimmers in his class? Probably with that background. But it doesn't really matter.
they are give a swim test. If they do not know the strokes, they will be placed into a remedial class first. Swim lessons will not hurt, and will relieve some stress possibly during the first year from at least knowing the basics.
they are give a swim test. If they do not know the strokes, they will be placed into a remedial class first. Swim lessons will not hurt, and will relieve some stress possibly during the first year from at least knowing the basics.

Thanks for the advice!