Try to imagine yourself as a plebe. It sounds stupid but it's harder than it sounds. Here's an example: you watch a parade. It looks nice, neat, maybe even fun. If you've ever marched in a parade, you view them somewhat differently, even when watching them later in life.
Ditto with CVW. It's one thing to watch someone do chow calls and find it . . . well, however, you find it. It's something else to be doing one, especially during the summer and fall when you have upperclass yelling at you all the time.
Also, remember that you get to go home at the end of the WE. Back to your civilian clothes, family, computer, dog, whatever. As a mid, you stay. Not saying that's a bad thing, but think about your being at USNA full-time.
And do ask questions. It really is true that the only stupid question at CVW is the one that you wait until I-Day to ask.
Ask plebes what they like best and least. Ask them what was hard and easy. Ask what they wish they'd done differently and/or were glad they did. And anything else that is of interest or concern to you.