You will get a lot of opinions on this topic, both while at school and from alumni. Here are my random thoughts from having two KP kids, one active duty and one who went to sea after graduation. Yes, the survey classes will give you a good idea what each will involve. Once you select which path to take, you will not be able to change your mind, so you are wise to give it a lot of thought now. Engineers are probably more sought after, but there are plenty of great jobs out there no matter which path you decide on. You used to be able to double major (called a dualie) but no more. The coast guard requirement for number of days at sea in either a deck or engine position to get your license is such that you cannot get licensed in both. My DS (class of '13) got both his 3rd mate license and his QMED (Qualified Member of the Engineering Department) (called a shopper) but that is also no longer available. He spent part of sea year working as a member of the deck department and part of sea year working in the engine department. He would tell you a couple things about his experience. As an engineer at sea your view never changes and your hearing will suffer. It is hot and loud in the engine room. The person in charge of the ship is a deckie (the captain) but the ship does not go anywhere without good engineers on board. Engineers have to get through a higher level of math than deckies, but both majors are highly technical and difficult. Engineers make fun of deckies because they think engineering is a more difficult path, but that is only because they have never had to pass celestial navigation. The required scores are higher to pass your 3rd mate deck license than your 3rd engineer license. The opportunities for your career are many no matter which path you decide on. As an engineer, you will have a ton of shoreside choices once your obligation is fulfilled such as working in a power plant. As a deckie you will also have a ton of choices,many of which are more in the business side of shipping such as logistics or being a broker (my DD's path). Once you select your path toward the end of plebe year, you will be segregated from the other path and all your classes will be with mids who are either engine or deck. There will be no overlap except as sea partners. I think that is why there is such a rivalry between the two paths. My opinion is that there are terrific opportunities to be had no matter which path you take. Good luck with your decision.