Good, bad, or indifferent, USNA in specific, and probably SAs in general, almost completely "brain wash" politics out of midshipmen. The idea of a group of midshipmen sitting around discussing the latest in what is going on in the newly Democratic majority Congress just doesn't happen.
We alluded to it briefly several months ago when MOC interviews were being discussed. It is the military's role, not to make policy, but to implement it. Midshipmen are too busy with the day-to-day life of academics and the additional military requirements to get involved in political discussion. Additionally, they learn their chain-of-command, at the top of which is the Commander in Chief. They take leadership courses and learn the importance of supporting that chain of command and the proper methods of presenting opposing views.
Once in the fleet, politics is inappropriate wardroom or ready room discussion. Just doesn't happen. Again, criticism of leadership, no matter how far removed, demonstrates poor officer qualities. If it happened, I am sure the XO would have a private conversation with the individual.
Officers develop a professional courtesy and do not question each other about their political persuasion. I do not know how my son voted in the last election. My Academy roommate, probably 6th generation military officer, with whom I have sat next to for the last 20 years at all football games, I just found out this past year, via a comment from his wife, that he was not of the primary military political party. Surprised? Yes. Did I discuss it with him. Nope.
So, when an individual registers on this forum, cannot spell correctly his home state, identifies himself as an "alumni", immediately goes to the Lightening Round, and makes the following comment, he has to be viewed with suspicion:
mchlwalters said:
i think the truth is very useful to education in an Academy or anywhere, for that matter.
I think by the end our suspisions proved correct. I cannot criticize anything Zap did to get rid of this troll.
With that said, does heavy-handed polarized political conversation have a place on this forum? Does it drive potential members away? Should we consider doing away with the Lightening Round? Or at least political discussion? I am beginning to think so.
Ideas anyone??