DSS careers


Jan 27, 2017
im thinking of majoring in defense and strategic studies, maybe with a dual major in something else... Is there anyone out there with this major? My first choice is aviation but if I don't get it I was wondering what it's like for someone with this major in the Air Force
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I'm confused. Are saying you want an AFSC in aviation or to major in aviation at USAFA? There is no DSS or aviation major at USAFA. MSS is pretty much the same thing as a DSS major though the curriculum is slightly different especially being at a service academy.
I'm confused. Are saying you want an AFSC in aviation or to major in aviation at USAFA? There is no DSS or aviation major at USAFA. MSS is pretty much the same thing as a DSS major though the curriculum is slightly different especially being at a service academy.
Sorry for the confusion. I meant MSS
I'm an MSS major. Your major usually has nothing to do with getting a rated AFSC. Usually the only time your major would count is if you wanted to be a physicist, developmental engineer, etc. Just do well in whatever major you choose so that you can have a good OPA and get the AFSC that you want.
My DS is majoring in Computer and Network Security and minoring in Japanese. He thought about majoring in Astronautical Engineering, but decided if aviation didn't work out what else would he want to do in the USAF and afterwards. He can still do everything he wants in flying, but he now has a great back up plan. They give you great advice and information once you are there so I wouldn't worry too much about it right now.
The question you need to ask yourself is what do you see yourself doing if you aren't a pilot? Do you want to be a career officer? What kind? Scientist/engineer? Or a more people-oriented position like maintenance officer, logistics officer? I recommend starting by looking at the breakdown of AFSCs given to last year's class ( https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/usafaema/oBzOMYeho4s ) . Look at the list, identify what you might be interested and do some more research. Most jobs don't require a specific major, but some do and others certainly would be easier with certain knowledge.

Do some research, and if you have more questions come on back to this forum. Chances are there is someone in or someone who knows someone in whatever career you are interested in who can provide insight.