I submitted the app January 19th (When it actually opened) and I've gotten increasingly worried because I haven't heard back at all.
The website says it's pending so the app did go through, idk if this long wait is a good thing or a bad thing.
Don't put too much emphasis on the SLE acceptance. My daughter went to SLE at USNA, West Point and USAFA and was invited to several candidate weekends at USNA. She received six nominations to SA (3 WP, 2 USAFA, 1 USNA). As of today, she has been rejected by USNA; still awaiting word from the other 2...Not looking good at this rate. Point being... as amazing as an experience as she had at her SLE's, they by no means helped her receive an appointment no more than not attending an SLE would hinder you from receiving one. So don't stress it. I do hope you get to experience it though. For her, it solidified her desire to serve in the military one way or the other.