How Usefull and Important is this forum?


15-Year Member
May 21, 2008
Just a little "Fun Facts".

Average Initial Interest in Applying to the Air Force Academy: 12,000+/-
Average Completed Applications to the Air Force Academy: 6,000-6,500+/-
Average Number of MOC Nominations: 5,300-5,350 (Some multiple/duplicate Nominations)
Average Number of 3Q Qualified Applicants: (Physical, Medical, Academic) 2,700-3,000
Average Number of Seriously Competitive Applicants: 2,500+/-
Average Number of Appointments to the Air Force Academy: 1,200+/-


As of last count in the "Appointment Thread: 153 "APPOINTMENTS RECEIVED" Plus or Minus for those turning it down or for some other reason didn't keep it.

Average number of Forum Members Applying Current Year: 400+/- (My best guess from looking at 29,000+ members; active posts; "Old Timers"; etc. I think I'm being Optimistic)

400 Forum Followers out of 12,000 initial interested individuals: = 3.3%
400 Forum Followers out of 6,500 Actual Applicants: = 6.15%
400 Forum Followers out of 2,500 Competitive Applicants: = 16%
153 Forum Followers out of 1,200 APPOINTEES: = 12.7%
153 Forum Followers Appointments of 400 Forum Followers: = 38%

You do the math on how useful this forum is.

I'm not saying that this Forum got anyone an appointment. For all I know, maybe the "Smartest and Best" applicants in the country are smart enough to find this forum as a resource. But I've been on this forum for a number of years, and these numbers seem to be pretty consistent each year.

For whatever the reason, participating in this forum seems to increase an applicant's chances of a nomination and appointment. And the WHOLE REASON I started this thread, is so that you 153 Appointees +/- "PAY IT FORWARD"!!! You learned a lot from those on this forum BEFORE YOU. Other Applicants; Current Cadets; Academy Graduates/Alumni; Parents; ALO's; even Lurkers. Now, imagine if EACH of you 153 Appointees were to stop by this Forum Once a Week or so; (After BCT and once starting academics)? Imagine 153 New C4C Cadets fresh off of the Application/Nomination/Appointment process helping 2022 Applicants? Once a week checking in and commenting on a couple of issues you're familiar with would be GREAT for the next batch of Forum Followers. Usually, only a few of the appointees will actually stay on the forum.

This forum didn't get anyone their appointment. Your hard work, ethics, integrity, honor, and determination got you the appointment. But hopefully, this Forum contributed to the TOOLS and INFORMATION you were able to use to pursue your nominations, application process, ALO interviews, paperwork, deciding if you really wanted the academy, etc... And that's what this forum is all about. Simply helping our military family. In this case, the "Air Force Family". That's what you all are part of now. Hopefully you'll come back around in August or September after BCT. Checking in once a week with your NEW PERSPECTIVE of what BCT is like; the dorms; food; academics; environment; etc. is something that none of us old timers can help with. The academy changes policies, rules, norms, etc. on a yearly basis. You are in the best position to help out the next class.

Anyway..... enough of my soap box. Just hoping you'll help out and "Pay it Forward".

Disclaimer: I am NOT a moderator or affiliated with this forum in any way; other than as a poster. JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOU.

Congrats on your appointments. See you soon. (And don't forget to come to THUDGATE (Football Tailgate) during opening day.

best of luck: Mike
This forum is great. By far it's the most civil and informative forum we've accessed. My DD started her journey in January 2016. Proud to say she'll be joining the University of Vermont AROTC cadre this coming fall to study nursing. She had a tough choice to make this spring, but she found the right match for her service and career aspirations.
Having access to roos, alumni, vets, parents, current sa attendees, current ROTC attendees at one site was a valuable tool we used during the process.
Great post Christcorp. These type of statistics always interest me (nerd alert!!!). Anyhow, one thing I will add is that I find that in general many people don't know about forums. By casual observation it seems as though there is a low percentage of the population that actually uses forums. And those that do use them usually are already invested into the particular subject matter.

I will add my own personal experience with this forum. I didn't find this forum until after all the work was done and my DS was at BCT. Therefore DS wasn't able to take advantage of the wealth of information that is shared here (unless he did so without my knowledge). But once I did register and began to use this forum I quickly found it to be a great resource for all types of USAFA related info. So thanks to all of you have posted and shared. I try to pay it forward by offering what I've learned in the past year.

Flieger told me we get a DOLLAR for every LIKE we received!!!

That's it. Steve..... you owe me a Beer and a shot of Jeremiah Weed at Thudgate!!!
:oops2: :zip:

Okay...done deal...first one will probably be in September...

Great post Christcorp. These type of statistics always interest me (nerd alert!!!). Anyhow, one thing I will add is that I find that in general many people don't know about forums. By casual observation it seems as though there is a low percentage of the population that actually uses forums. And those that do use them usually are already invested into the particular subject matter.

I will add my own personal experience with this forum. I didn't find this forum until after all the work was done and my DS was at BCT. Therefore DS wasn't able to take advantage of the wealth of information that is shared here (unless he did so without my knowledge). But once I did register and began to use this forum I quickly found it to be a great resource for all types of USAFA related info. So thanks to all of you have posted and shared. I try to pay it forward by offering what I've learned in the past year.

IMO the statistics are a little skewed as I am sure you were not alone in finding this forum until after all the work was done.

But none the less, it is a great resource for anyone interested in the Service Academies....and their parents.
PM if you are able and want to know about twins at USAFA. I am a sponsor parent for a set of recent Doolies this year from my home county that are girls and are almost identical ( some funny stories during basic!!). Would love to help in any way.