I have waiver - but can I get a pilot slot?


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
Hello everyone! I was recently granted a waiver to USAFA! I'm very excited but after reading the notification letter I was a little worried. Questions:

1) Even though I was waived to attend USAFA will I not be considered for a pilot or special operations career field because I was not Medically qualified?

2) Follow up - if I'm still eligible for these career fields are those medical disqualifications something I'm going to have to fight any time I'm medically evaluated in the military? I.e during my third or fourth year at USAFA.

3) How does the medical evaluation process work as you are applying for different career fields near graduation? Are waivers granted for different career fields as well?

Basically, is me being at USAFA on a waiver going to limit my career options in the future?
Since we don’t know what your waiver is for I’ll give you the short answer. You got waiver to attend USAFA but that does not mean you are gonna be medically qualified to be a pilot at this point.
Pilot medical qualifications are made late in your 2nd year and more closely within your 3rd year. There is not crystal ball to determine your medical status then and what will or will not be available to you at that time. :wiggle:
Understand it's impossible to consider an evaluation that is several years out - someone with a Waiver on file could receive a pilot slot, while someone that is Qualified could be denied or vice versa - depends on hundreds of variables/impossible to predict.

I'll ask a different question - are those with a Waiver categorized differently than those that are Qualified? I understand that consideration for any role will include a thorough review of the cadet's medical file and history, including any and all issues (waiver or not.) Regardless of the role being considered, is that review automatically "different" because their file is Disqualified with Waiver? Will that file receive "extra" scrutiny beyond the standards, due to the initial Disqualification?
Q=I'll ask a different question - are those with a Waiver categorized differently than those that are Qualified? //Regardless of the role being considered, is that review automatically "different" because their file is Disqualified with Waiver?// Will that file receive "extra" scrutiny beyond the standards, due to the initial Disqualification?
A = No. All decisions will be made at the time, based on the current medical status and functionability. :wiggle:
Q=I'll ask a different question - are those with a Waiver categorized differently than those that are Qualified? //Regardless of the role being considered, is that review automatically "different" because their file is Disqualified with Waiver?// Will that file receive "extra" scrutiny beyond the standards, due to the initial Disqualification?
A = No. All decisions will be made at the time, based on the current medical status and functionability. :wiggle:
Glad to hear. Thank you so much.
Our honor and privilege to serve :wiggle:
Thanks for the feedback! Sounds like the best thing to do is just stay healthy. Waiver or no waiver you still have a fair chance for those careers post graduation, based on your current functionality and medical status- regardless of past medical history.
Understand it's impossible to consider an evaluation that is several years out - someone with a Waiver on file could receive a pilot slot, while someone that is Qualified could be denied or vice versa - depends on hundreds of variables/impossible to predict.

I'll ask a different question - are those with a Waiver categorized differently than those that are Qualified? I understand that consideration for any role will include a thorough review of the cadet's medical file and history, including any and all issues (waiver or not.) Regardless of the role being considered, is that review automatically "different" because their file is Disqualified with Waiver? Will that file receive "extra" scrutiny beyond the standards, due to the initial Disqualification?
Thanks for the additional question!