Okay....wifey speaking.
As Bullet said we dated through all of our college years long distance...our engagement yr was spent on two coasts. To this day that is Bullets advice to our boys...propose and leave town, come back for the wedding
and never have to deal with any of it.
My advice....date the girl do not ask what if? If she can't handle the seperation, call it a day. Will it hurt to end it, of course, but staying together will be worse.
Only a few months ago I had a very long conversation with DS's girlfriend. I explained to her, that this is going to be very hard, and explained that there are couples known as the 2%, so it can happen, but it is few and far between.
She asked how Bullet and I made it (we only saw ea. other every 6 weeks for a weekend)....answer trust. I had to believe when he said I got to go and studying, that he was doing that and not blowing me off. When I called and heard laughter in the background, I had to remember he had a life also and not sitting there pining for me, just as I was living my life.
The only thing I will really state is CHOSE WISELY. I have seen and known too many wives that freak out when DH is deployed,
True Story: 1st Op. Base we were assigned to while they were deployed for a WTD a wife called the desk and said I'm out of gas, the Lt thought she was stuck on the road and asked where are you? Home, ok, we'll bring some gas out to you, (now thinking she was ditz), then she said that won't help I don't know how to pump gas. The officer got in trouble for leaving his wife in USAFE without knowing how to pump gas, and not telling the command her "needs".
I on the other hand at the exact same time, got a flat tire on the road, with our 6 mos. old and changed it myself. Bullet has never worried about our family while he was gone, I only rely on him when I am treated like a third class citizen...very frustrating as a spouse not to be able to get an appt.
If any girl you are involved with can't survive on her own, than run, do not walk. This life is about taking jets to safety for hurricanes but leaving your family behind. It is about working 12 hr shifts at weird hours and not being to help get child 1 to soccer, child 2 to dance and child 3 to piano in an hr. period. Surviving without household goods (incl. clothes) for mos. at a time. It is about her putting your home up for sale more than once while you are deployed. With all of that, I haven't even touched the bad juju of
remotes, plane crashes and bad land deployments
Find a girl who is willing to be "the other woman", because afterall for as long as you serve, the AF will be your number 1 girl
When you find her, than you will be a member of the 2% club.
I hope that all of this makes the guys think about what her life will be like, and what kind of woman you will need to stand by your side for a successful career and marriage.
I am proud to be Bullet's mistress, and happy that he loves both of us
As corny as it sounds, I love the fact that he loves this life. How many people in the world can say "I can't believe they pay me to do this" I don't listen anymore b/c he has said it so often. He loves putting on the flight suit, and even when he was at the puzzle palace wearing the blue, he still loved it. It is easy to be Mom, Dad and the handyman when you know that the person you love is happy. Believe it or not it makes wives okay with all of the crap we endure.
PS don't even consider being with a girl who says I can't imagine ever living away from my family...it's a career killer. Trust me, I know several spouses who chose their AD spouses decision on their next base. I.E. I can't get a job there, or I don't want to live overseas, forget about going to AK I hate the cold.