Yes, in the Correspondence. Just a quick question, how long did it take for yours to arrive? I was told one was requested for me last week but I've got nothing yet.
the person who requested one for me never told me when they actually did, so I couldn't say exactly. I would guess a few weeks maybe?
Where is Correspondence on Portal? My DS got called last week for his local interview on a Monday for that Wednesday. BTW bring transcript and resume to any interview. Have any LOAs been given for 2022?
Where is Correspondence on Portal? My DS got called last week for his local interview on a Monday for that Wednesday. BTW bring transcript and resume to any interview. Have any LOAs been given for 2022?
As soon as you log in there will be a small correspondence box on the left side of the screen.
Where is Correspondence on Portal? My DS got called last week for his local interview on a Monday for that Wednesday. BTW bring transcript and resume to any interview. Have any LOAs been given for 2022?
I received one for 2022 already, so I imagine there are a few others out there but usually people receive them in September or October.
Where is Correspondence on Portal? My DS got called last week for his local interview on a Monday for that Wednesday. BTW bring transcript and resume to any interview. Have any LOAs been given for 2022?
I received one for 2022 already, so I imagine there are a few others out there but usually people receive them in September or October.
For West Point or USNA?
Where is Correspondence on Portal? My DS got called last week for his local interview on a Monday for that Wednesday. BTW bring transcript and resume to any interview. Have any LOAs been given for 2022?
I received one for 2022 already, so I imagine there are a few others out there but usually people receive them in September or October.
For West Point or USNA?
USMA (Please ignore the username)
Does receiving an LOE put me out of the running for an LOA? and are LOAs just for diversity and athletetic candidates?
Don't know if it puts you out of the running, but LOAs are NOT just for diversity and athletic candidates.
For those with LOA this early, when did you apply? How did you receive teachers recommendations? For many senior year did not start yet. Are majority of early LOA candidates have Presidential Noms?
Snail mail. I'm a college re-applicant so SOE's were already there from last cycle. LOA's are merit-based and thus are not correlated to nominations of any kind.
Did you receive it via snail mail or email?
LOA came by snail mail. Haven't started senior year here either. Not doing a sport. And it's not about diversity. White male. Maybe academics, test scores, leadership passed the CFA and interviewed at SLE. Just guessing like everyone else.
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Thank you! In short, something like "Congratulations, we're saving a spot for you. Complete your 'A', 'B', 'C'. Have 'D', 'E', submitted by (specific date) or this letter will be withdrawn." Then it explains how to schedule overnight visits.