
10-Year Member
Aug 1, 2006
Does anyone know why some heard about their acceptance/ denial to NASS as early as March and others are still waiting to hear? I have been accepted to Air Force's Summer Seminar and West Points' however, because I want to attend the Naval Academy, I was hoping to attend NASS (and hopefully AF and/ or West Points'). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
BTW: I applied directly when the applications opened on the website and I received a confirmation email, etc.
Thank you!
Well I know there are several "rounds" of acceptances which is why some are accepted imedately and others (like us) seem to wait an eternaty.

Does anyone know an exact date of rejection/wait list?
It said in the Confirmation e-mail "you will receive official notification about your status by mail no later than mid-April." According to Navy, we should probably be hearing by next week. I too have been accepted to USAFA SS and I hope that I can go to NASS:biggrin: GOOD LUCK to you guys!!!:thumb:
I talked to admissions today and they told me that we should hear between now and April 15th. I was just wondering if they do rolling admissions or whether applications were viewed all at once and then decided upon, once the application closed?
Good luck to you all too! Molloy09 what AFASS session did you get? I got B.
Thanks again!
Same story as you guys... I got accepted into AFASS session A but I haven't heard anything from NASS yet. But I guess we should be hearing within the next week, good luck everyone!
Have faith, the number of invited SS attendees has gone up about 25% from 2100 to 2700 students in 2008. You will most likely have good news shortly.
My son called the admissions dept today to check on his status for NASS #3 and to see if they got his email with his latest SAT scores. He found out that he's in!!!
I think that the new and much improved SAT scores helped his case. Gee, it looks like our great state of California is the most competitive. There are a lot more patriotic citizens here than people realize!
Northern California has the largest and most active Naval Academy parent organization. Go figure!
NavySupporter, did your son receive a letter in the mail today as well? I am from California too! (northern)- I agree we are always seen as the "liberal" and the state that protests things but we really do have a lot of fine Californians and a lot of people who are more than willing to serve their Country. Congratulations to your son and good luck!
I got Usafa ss session A, I'll see you there Semper Excelsius!:cool:Have any of you heard about NASS yet?:confused:
Nope, not in the mail today; hopefully tomorrow. Good luck to you!
Hello Kathleen,
My son has not received anything in the mail yet. The phone call he made yesterday is the only way he found out. The waiting was killing him! Have your son call the 888 #.
The admissions ph number just has a recording on it - too many calls I guess!
The offices close at 1pm our time out there. Which session does he want?
My son had also sent in his new SAT scores - so that may have helped his case.
We are all thrilled. I hope you have good news!!!
Hi Kathleen, I apologize to you - you are the one applying! Best of luck to you!
We live in Nor Cal, too, the East Bay.
Stay posative the odds are in your favor. I'm aware of at least 8 current mids that are from the East Bay. It's an area that has a lot of good schools and produces some great kids that make successful mids at the Academy. As a matter of fact, 6 happen to be from the same highschool.
Have faith, the number of invited SS attendees has gone up about 25% from 2100 to 2700 students in 2008. You will most likely have good news shortly.

Don't get everyone's hopes up too much. They have been doing three groups of 600 each (1800) and, according to the USNA Admissions website, are doing 1950 this year.
Thank you NavySupporter and everyone else who has helped me so far! I just called the Naval Academy Admissions department and I got accepted to NASS II!!!! Congratulations to everyone else who got in and also good luck to all of the class of 2013 candidates!
Don't get everyone's hopes up too much. They have been doing three groups of 600 each (1800) and, according to the USNA Admissions website, are doing 1950 this year.

You are correct on past years. However, my mid will be a SS cadre this summer. Part of her application process stated that since SS was the No. 1 recruitment tool, they were going to admit 2700 this year vs. 2100 last year. It's a change and they needed to have the correct number of cadre to handle the increase.