New Moderator: RetNavyHM


Jun 8, 2006
I'll let him share some more about himself, but I'd like you all to welcome HM. He's our resident expert on DODMERB.

Nice to have you here, RetNavyHM.
I want to thank TaticalNuke for giving me this oppertunity to try and dispel the myths surrounding the dreaded DoDMERB.

Quick bio (I'll do a better on in a bit), just retired after 20 years as an HM1, last duty station was DoDMERB where I was a medical reviewer for the past 5 years. So I'm here to help explain the process and maybe even make it a touch easier!:shake:

So I'll do a better one shortly, but for now I'm just happy to be able to continue helping applicants for the SA's.
You are a most welcome sight, RetNavyHM. Welcome and welcome again to this forum. Dodmerb is about the most dreaded word applicants have in their vocabulary it seems. Its so great you're here to add some insight. I have a feeling you'll get hammered with bunches of questions. You may want to run for cover. :yikes: