Phone calls during Indoc

Jul 11, 2024
My boyfriend left for Indoc a week ago and I'm just wondering when USMMA plebes get to make phone calls home to their parents. Also, I know Indoc ends the 21st, but when do they get their cell phones back. Do they get them back on parents weekend or before?
The Logging In document for the Class of 2026 reads, with respect to phone calls during INDOC “During this period, Plebe Candidates will be allowed to phone home on some Sundays and in the case of an emergency. The first phone call home usually occurs at the end of the first week of Indoctrination.” I don’t think they get the privilege of two calls, only one.

After INDOC, the thread at is a good guide of what may happen.
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The Logging In document for the Class of 2026 reads, with respect to phone calls during INDOC “During this period, Plebe Candidates will be allowed to phone home on some Sundays and in the case of an emergency. The first phone call home usually occurs at the end of the first week of Indoctrination.” I don’t think they get the privilege of two calls, only one.

After INDOC, the thread at is a good guide of what may happen.
I think it’s time limit versus number of calls. So if the plebe candidate chooses to call multiple people in their times that’s up to them. I think our DS called us and we just relayed info. I think I heard others who divided time between parents and girlfriend.
Phone privileges depend on a lot of factors. All plebe candidates are allowed at least five minutes on their phones on Sunday. Some cadre allowed way more time than that, but it is the luck of the draw for who the lucky ones are. Both my kids were limited to exactly five minutes, and it was the fastest five minutes of my life. Plebe candidates are spread out around campus and cadre staff are nearby, so there is no privacy plus a lot of yelling in the background. Phone privileges are company dependent after INDOC. If granted, these privileges can be taken away at any time and often are. The best thing you can do for your PC is to write a letter everyday.
As I recall the first phone call from my son was 2nd Sunday of Indoc. It was exactly 5 minutes. Back then as KPEngnr90 said it was made from a pay phone.. and while standing at attention..


12JUL, just came off a Zoom call from USMMA Class of 2028 hosted by Keith to discuss parents expectations of the highly anticipated 14JUL phone call. He stated phone calls will be 10 minutes long and Cadre will have a countdown for when the phone calls end. PCs can call anyone they want in their 10-minute block (friends, boyfriend / girlfriends). Phone policies (including Facetime) and duration on their phones are Company driven and once phone calls are completed, phones will be secured, and PCs are no longer able to use till the following Sunday (21JUL). They will be positioned outside in the yard six feet apart when making calls. Below is what I took at the 5JUL Parents Briefing, INDOC Day Zero. Of note: Phone call times may change and recommended to answer any number that comes to you. PC phones have been known to have 0% battery and have to refer to someone else phone.

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Ah, the memories. .. . .
Well bank into another century I don’t think there was in “Indoc” per se. We reported on August 20th did mostly physical stuff, got monomoy qualified as a “lifeboatman” and headed to classes after labor day. One memory was a weekly letter from Mom with, as best I recall $3. That was enough to get a pizza and a beer at Maurices. Drinking age back then was 18…I loved that Rheingold beer.
