Platoon assignments

MIDNDAD...I thought you changed company/platoon after plebe summer??

Also, I thought detailers were different each year so how can they know what a particular platoon will be like during plebe summer...I have sooo much to learn!!!

Clarification of the word "blend" in MIDNDAD's post: The summer companies have two platoons (i.e. E9 and E10). Each platoon has all of the Plebes that will be in a specific numbered company once the summer is over (i.e., Echo10 Plebes will be in 10th company). Detailers come from the parent company, so 9th company Firsties will train E9, while 10th company Firsties will train E10. Training is pretty much at the platoon level, so the schedule that's listed on the Thorton's web site for a Company is pretty much accurate for one of the two platoons, but not at all accurate for the other in terms of what's happening on a specific day.
After nothing showed up in the mail again today DS called and found out he is in K/19. Any information on the reputation of that company?
Can you give some examples?

25 is known throughout the brigade as being the "worst" company with the most motivated detailers, training staff, and upperclass who will make the plebes do the stupidest stuff in order to try and win color company or appear as the most "military" company or whatever their goal is.

Hi Gubernator, so what kind of things are you talking about that the bearsharks do to their plebes? Make them march more, yell at them more, ...? Just a curious parent. :) So since they are more "motivated" does that equate to more privileges if the company does well? Thanks!
Not at all. I would expect no less. If he did not feel this way, something would be wrong. And what class were you, MIDNDAD?

Mongo, guess I forgot to put the smiley face in for a tongue and cheek comment and have offended your "delicate" sense of protocol once again. My bad...

As I stated I will let members of 2013 and 2012 debate the merits of the greatness of 2014 if they so wish.
As I stated I will let members of 2013 and 2012 debate the merits of the greatness of 2014 if they so wish.

I have two sons in the class of 2013 and even I think the class of 2014 is great - if, for no other reason, at least they climbed a slippery Herndon. Although, it was done at a sub par level. I would say, nominally, a slippery Herndon climb takes between 90-120 minutes. They came close to 3 hrs, if I'm not mistaken. But still - it was great that they did it!

The Youngster Luau (some kind of new tradition) for the class of 2013 had t-shirts with a picture of Herndon on the front with a ladder leaning against it. Hilarious! On the back it said, "Grease - not in the budget."
I have two sons in the class of 2013 and even I think the class of 2014 is great - if, for no other reason, at least they climbed a slippery Herndon. Although, it was done at a sub par level. I would say, nominally, a slippery Herndon climb takes between 90-120 minutes. They came close to 3 hrs, if I'm not mistaken. But still - it was great that they did it!

The Youngster Luau (some kind of new tradition) for the class of 2013 had t-shirts with a picture of Herndon on the front with a ladder leaning against it. Hilarious! On the back it said, "Grease - not in the budget."

It was about 2 hours and 41 minutes. Certainly not the longest time it's taken to climb it!

Love the t-shirts! I like that 2013 has maintained their sense of humor over this. I think they should allow 2013 a "do-over"! (But believe me, after watching some of those bad spills from the obelisk, watching those necks snapping forward, I kind of understand the decision to de-grease 2013.)
I also heard that 25th uses 'tough love' tactics to motivate. Obviously it didn't work this past year since 26th Company was the Color Company. Yes, the command structure changes when the Firsties graduate, but those same tactics have been passed down from class to class resulting in the 25th's reputation. However, it is human nature to sometimes exagerrate reality, so I wouldn't worry too much about what other's say about the reputations of the different companies. My rising Youngster is in "No fun 21" but had plenty of fun Plebe year. Sure it is a lot of work and command is frustrating at times, but control what you can, which is the effort that you put forth. A real measure of how tough a company is relates to the dropout rate. If kids are dropping on request out of a particular company at a higher rate, you can be sure that the Commandant will investigate why.
D Company - 8th Platoon

any opinions on the 8th company?

The character of companies can be very fluid. Companies are hard-core one year and chill the next, hard core the year after that. Much depends on the ac year CC as well as the commissioned and noncommed officers assigned as advisors setting the tone and climate of command. For instance, during my plebe year, my CC made Saturday a.m. training mando for all 2/C, which was unusual at the time (and may still be).

Also, just FYI - there are many reasons why PS company/platoon assignments may not be coming out at the same time. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, so no one panic. I didn't know my PS company and platoon until I showed up on I-day and had to quickly and neatly write all that stuff on my laundry bag while simultaneously reading something from Reef Points, responding to "How's the cow?" and getting yelled at for not making a sir sandwich. :rolleyes:
Anybody know anything about the 30th company???

The hardest of the hard-core companies. They only let you sleep four hours a night, never on your rack, you have to shine all the firsties' shoes with shaving cream, you only get bread and water on Sundays and you have all-calls M-F.

Seriously: there is nothing you can do to change it or prepare for it, so why stress about it? It is what it is. Over one-quarter of the company will be your classmates you haven't even met yet. Enjoy the next eight days! It'll all be great.
30Th is last in the stands at all Football Games. Get used to trying to find a seat.:biggrin: 28Th "Phoenix" Oscar:thumb:. Love to see one of those T-Shirts witrh the ladder:rofl:. Just a question. When did they start giving Platoon assignments prior to I-Day?
Just to put to rest all of the rumors on 25...

I am going to be serving as 25th Company's Training Officer next year. For those of you who do not know what that is, I get to oversee the military development of those of your sons and daughters who are fortunate enough to come and join the Bearshark family.

Sure we have a stigma within the brigade as obnoxious motivators, but hey, at least we aren't like some other companies with terrible conduct reputations. We are without a doubt the closest company in the brigade, and N/25'ers should count themselves lucky that they get to join such a tight knit group.

Be warned however that last year November Company 25th platoon used 1/3 of the Individual Training cards used by the entire brigade over the course of plebe summer. IT would better be called "intense torture" in the hands of a 25 detailer, I have seen them at it first hand. We are intense and you should prepare yourself if you are coming into my company.

As for plebe summer specifically, 1st set will not be that bad for any N/25'ers out there, but come second set buckle in. I know all of those detailers well, and am frankly scared to imagine them in action.

If you guys have any questions, I'll be lurking around these forums.
How does USNA determine which company to place a plebe under? (just curious)

sorry to double post, but they start off alphabetically then go through and change it up to balance genders, varsity athletes, and other demographics to give companies a decent blend of every kind of midshipman.
IT cards are something the detailers over plebe summer have to fill out to be allowed to pt plebes. in the past it was called MPT for motivational pt, DPT for developmental pt, now it is called IT. It is all the same, and it all is not fun, unless you are a plebe who can out pt the detailers, then it is hilarious.