Possible flu outbreak at USAFA BCT class

yea its pretty cool so far, ive been trying to get a haircut lately tho lol, i hate my hair this long!

can't wait to deploy! should be fun. hows cadre life treatin ya?
Cadre life is rough on the feet. lol. Lots of walking around and standing, moreso that even you guys. Hard to believe, I know. But, I like it and its a good leadership experience. Some oddities though, people tend to slip into 4 dig mode with us, its funny but good in many ways to be honest. Glad your enjoying it. My roomie and I are the Services CC and DO, so we are trying to plan as many fun things as possible during deployment like volleyball, movies, tournaments, etc. We shall see.
Hornet if you see Potter over in Jaguar country ask her if you can help train Jr and give him a few push-ups for me :):thumb:
The cadets at Elmendorf are fine.
A couple enlisted airmen have H1N1.
OK, so perhaps (mildly) concerned parents can conclude that the flu is winding down? This mother would be very relieved to know that her cadet in CST will not contract H1N1 while "camping" in the woods there.
July 14th, 2009
67 Air Force Academy cadets have H1N1 flu
Posted: 01:48 PM ET
By Jim Spellman


DENVER, Colorado (CNN)– Sixty seven cadets at the Air Force Academy have confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza — the so-called swine flu — and another 30 are showing symptoms of the highly contagious virus, the academy said Tuesday.

None of the cadets have required hospitalization.

All of the 97 are incoming freshman, known as “Doolies” in academy slang, are in isolation while the rest of the class of about 1,300 are in outdoor

training in the mountains around the Colorado Springs academy.

Academy officials say Air Force medical personnel are treating the cadets and they

hope to have everyone out of isolation before the August 6th beginning of classes.

Another 70 showed symptoms of the swine flu, but tested negative and have recovered enough to return to training.

Cadets in the class of 2,013 arrived at the academy June 25. By July 6, academy medical staff began noticing an increase in cadets complaining of

upper respiratory problems. As cadets have begun showing symptoms they are moved into a separate dormitory away from other cadets.

Laboratory tests are conducted at an Air Force lab in Texas, and results are forwarded to the Center for Disease Control.

The outbreak forced academy officials to modify “Doolie Day Out” on Saturday. Traditionally it is the first day off for cadets and they are allowed to leave the academy grounds. This year cadets stayed on grounds.
Swine Flu

When I talked with my son on Sat he was coughing and said he was going to the doctor the next day. Will we be notified if he is in isolation?
When I talked with my son on Sat he was coughing and said he was going to the doctor the next day. Will we be notified if he is in isolation?

nope, he is an adult and the doctors can't release that information without his approval first. Remember, he's moved out of the house now, not like high school where the school calls home about that kind of stuff.
I know he signed whatever release is necessary for us to be informed of grades etc. I would think medical would be included. Besides, he is still 17. Does that impact any of these privacy laws?
I don't know the specifics of everything, I'm sure a former/current AD member probably knows on here. Don't know if it would make a difference, but there are two releases: one for grades and general info and another for medical.
His age is irrelevant. He is now an EMANCIPATED adult. Here's a good realization: You no longer claim him on your taxes!!!! So no, the military is not going to contact you about anything that affects his life in the military as long as he is able to make decisions for himself. For what it's worth, if he was 17, went in enlisted, and got married; they wouldn't even contact his wife. It's his life now. And the form that he signed "Allowing" the academy to send you certain information, doesn't mean they automatically send it. Just that they COULD if you were to make a formal request. But they would still go through him first to verify.

I know it sounds cold, but it isn't. The best way to put it into perspective would be to not think of the academy as college. Think of it as the MILITARY. Imagine your 17 year old son graduated high school and joined the Air Force as an enlisted person. You signed the form saying that as an underage person, you've emancipated him and given him full authority to make decisions for himself. Later... Mike....
I know he signed whatever release is necessary for us to be informed of grades etc. I would think medical would be included. Besides, he is still 17. Does that impact any of these privacy laws?

It is highly unlikely that you will be notified. But rest assured; they are taking good care of them. I am keeping watch for my basic via photo post of Webguy. She is in the Executioners Squadron. She had been separated from the rest of the basics for one day last Wednesday, but was allowed to return for training on Thursday. What squadron is your basic in? If you're not on Webguy, I can look for pics and let you know tomorrow. But don't worry...No news is usually good news!
Not to get on my usual rant, but you can thank your former (and some current) members of Congress for the health privacy acts. The lovely law known as HIPAA prevents pretty much any medical information from being released...heck, we're not even supposed to say if someone went to the doctor or not.

It has some nice qualities to it, but overall the law makes life more of a pain than anything for those of us in the medical community.
That law drives me crazy too!

Talked to my cadet today, who is not yet at CST but is in resistance training, and he said no one in his "group" was ill. Of course, he told me the same thing when he was in the hospital last fall. He also neglected to tell me he was in the hospital. Kids have the strangest ideas. haha