Powerlifting and Sports


New Member
Jun 3, 2024
Hi all,

I am an incoming Plebe and am very into weightlifting. I would love to join the powerlifting team during my time at USNA. First - what are the athletic requirements at the Naval Academy? Does each student need to be a part of some team whether it’s varsity, club, or intramural? Someone told me that but I never actually read it or heard it anywhere from anyone I interviewed with.
As for powerlifting specifically, I’m struggling to find information on their website other than the Instagram page. Is this considered a club sport? Are there tryouts? The only thing I’m worried about is that I stay away from squatting since I tend to use my back and end up getting injured… but I’m assuming squatting would be a necessary part of the powerlifting team.

Thanks for your help !! I also should mention I am female.
It’s a club sport. This means you can join the team and ‘play’ that sport during athletic period. You won’t need to do an intramural. Every Mid is required to participate in a sport at either the D1, club or intramural level. Have you sent a DM do the IG page? I think your best bet is to start there. Once you get to USNA after PS, you will have time to explore this option.
