The ability of young Americans to communicate clearly in writing has decreased in recent years with the advent of IM's, test messaging, and spell checker. This has been very noticeable at DoDMERB when applicants hand write their medical history, and send e-mail questions.
I have to say some of the worst that I have seen are from applicants who are currently in college and are looking for an in school ROTC scholarship. Trying to decipher some of the information that is received can be more time consuming than trying to decipher a physicians hand writing. I've wondered many times how some of these applicants made it into college in the first place.
I'm not saying that I'm perfect, but I do try to take some time when I'm posting in a public forum to ensure that what I write makes sense to me, and hopefully to everyone who reads this. My thoughts on this, if I write like I'm in the second grade, then everyone is going to assume that my intelligence is at the same level, and I would expect no one to pay attention to anything I write.
Unfortunately I believe that this is only going to get worse. With the advent of Blackberries and more people using text messaging to do business, the use of shortcuts is only going to become more pervasive.