Dear USMA 1994 and McGNJ. I took your advice and kept the AP Stats. My college counselors were happy with that decision as well. Initially I wanted to drop it because I was so overloaded. I ended up with a B- in AP Stats this Fall and in other classes got B+ A- and remaining all As. I am taking 9 classes (4 APs at the school) 7 are core. Additionally, I am self studying 5 additional AP classes on my own that will not show on the school transcript. I am taking 9 AP Exams this May, 5 are STEM. So you can see why I wanted to drop the AP Stats. Nevertheless, I ended the fall term with 4.2 Weighted and 3.7 Unweighted. I expect to graduate with 4.0 and 34 HS credits and 12 APs. My SAT 1550, ACT 32+. I hope the B- still doesn't reflect a poor performance to competitive colleges. I have stellar athletics, leadership, and scouting with long history since age 10. I got accepted to 3 top colleges so far, among them are SAs. While many kids are scaling down in 2nd semester Senior year, I am ramping up so I can finish strong and prep as much as I can before enrolling. I plan to retake all AP classes I took in college. I look at AP as a way to practice rather than to get college credits. So whether I get 3, 4, 5 in AP Exam, it really doesn't matter because I will take the placement exams at which ever college I enroll if I want to place out. But rather retake the same classes so I can learn from the college environment. Like to hear if anyone has opinions. Thank you very much.