USMA Principal Nomination Question

Dec 25, 2019
Hey Service Academy Community!

I recently received a letter saying that I was my MOC principal nomination for USMA from my congressman. After reading through the forum of what a principal nomination is I am very excited but still have a few questions.

1. When does west point send out the 3Q's letter? My application has been finished for a while now and I completed my Dodmerb medical tests in November.
2. Does anything in the USMA portal pop up under the nomination tab that says it is a principal nomination? I have read some forum posts that say that a few candidates found out that their nomination was a principal nomination through the candidate portal, but I found out from a letter from my congressman and I haven't seen anything in my official candidate portal say that my nomination is a principal nomination.

Thanks for the help!
Sometimes 3Q letters never come. With a Principal NOM, you only need to be minimally qualified in all areas to receive an offer of Appointment. While there are no minimum standards published by any SA, there are class averages published. You can compare yourself to those to make a ”self 3 Q” determination. It will be nerve racking until you know officially!
DSs portal only showed the nominating source, never mentioned he was a Principal Nominee. He only received a letter from his MOC stating that he was.

Congratulations, and good luck with the rest of your journey!
Our son got principal from senator, found out by mail, and it was to USNA. Nothing different in that portal, just shows a nom, not what type. He did get a 3Q letter from USMA in portal and snail mail. And he got request for 7th semester transcript via portal and snail mail.