USNA DoDMERB (specifically drug and alcohol abuse)


New Member
Jul 24, 2020
Hello, I had a couple questions regarding underage drug and alcohol usage and the effects it has on my application. First off, does the Naval Academy drug test during the DoDMERB exam? If so, is it a hair test or a urine test? Secondly, (and this is a hypothetical scenario) if someone used substances for a period of 3 months 2 years back versus a couple months ago, how would that affect the DoDMERB? Is it worse to see recent drug usage, even if the candidate in question has quit using? Of course I understand that lying is 100% out of the question.


The USNA doesn't perform the DoDMERB exam. DoDMERB contractors do.
DoDMERB does NOT perform any drug or alcohol testing during our exams. The USNA does, on their I-Day.
I don't answer hypothetical drug and alcohol questions on a public forum.
The fact of lying or failure to disclose IS out of the question, because the ramifications are not pleasant, therefor I know that applicants will answer truthfully and comprehensively :wiggle:
USNA uses a Character Board to review situations in which an applicant (who is being considered for an appointment) has used drugs or has other character issues (i.e., alcohol abuse, prior criminal activity).

As a general rule re drugs . . . the situation is viewed LESS FAVORABLY based on

  • The more recent the drug use
  • The frequency of drug use (1x vs. many times)
  • The "severity of drug used" (crystal meth vs. marijuana)
  • Consequences associated with drug use (i.e., criminal activity)
  • Recidivism
Of course, every situation is individualized, so there could be individual factors that cause the Board to view the situation more or less favorably.

USNA understands that some kids make youthful mistakes. And learn from them. Others just like to use drugs.

At USNA and in the USN, you will be tested all of the time. If you use with any frequency, you'll eventually be caught. More importantly, you put your life and the life of your shipmates in jeopardy.

So, for anyone out there who likes to use drugs (including MJ, which is not allowed in the military even if legal in your state or synthetic MJ which is also not permitted in the military), find another career. Seriously.
Young man or gal .... Going forward, live your Life with a “Straight Eye”. Clear mind and clear thought is the only way to live.

Now my wife will drink wine on occasion because she has to put up with me.
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Mary Jane. Wow haven't heard that since the sixties. It was a great time though.
How did you get up the Throughway? I was on leave and watching TV from CT. The NY Throughway was at a standstill. Always loved Saratoga, Lake George and Lake Placid.
I did have a choice between Saratoga AFS and Montauk AFS. Chose Montauk and we had some Stranger Things There but mostly down town and NYC. FPS 35 is still standing and I have been through the old Gun tunnels.
I was driving up from LI in 13 Aug, before it started 2 days later. I worked Aqueduct, Belmont, and Saratoga :wiggle: