WA Nominations

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Sep 6, 2016
Hi everyone,

I submitted my nomination applications to my senators in Washington about a month ago and haven't heard back yet. I talked with someone today and they told me there are no interviews for senators. I had my congressional nomination interview today and they said my application was decent but my interview was outstanding so I was hoping that they do. Is this the case?
My DD interviewed with her Congressman on November 30th, received nominations (USNA, USMA) on December 8th and was appointed to USNA on December 16th. She did not hear back from our senators yet.
My DD interviewed with her Congressman on November 30th, received nominations (USNA, USMA) on December 8th and was appointed to USNA on December 16th. She did not hear back from our senators yet.
Congratulations, navydad21! Which district?
My DD interviewed with her Congressman on November 30th, received nominations (USNA, USMA) on December 8th and was appointed to USNA on December 16th. She did not hear back from our senators yet.
Glad to hear! I'm curious what district it was as well. I got my nomination for WA-03. Apparently you hear back from senators in late January.
Does anyone know how hard it is to receive nominations in Washington state (specifically the 8th congressional district if possible)? Thank you!
Varies tremendously within the state. A bit easier in the 8th since the 2010 redistricting; harder the closer you get to Bremerton, JBLM, or the other military bases that draw military families. I was surprised to see in the report that somebody posted not long ago that not all WA slates were filled - even the senators did not always nominate 10.
Thank you for the input. What does one do if all slots for their congressmen and senators are filled? Are their other options if I don't qualify for the presidential nomination?
Welcome to the Forum! Rather than go into detail, I'm going to send you to the "Nominations" Forum section of Service Academy Forums. The "sticky threads" at the top of that section have a great deal of helpful detail on the nominations process, including an outline of the different sources. Happy reading!
Another forum member, navydad21, is from 8th district. You might check with him.
My understanding is that the 8th district is very competitive, it includes a pretty wide area including some of the state's best schools in the Issaquah area. When my DD went for her interview we were told that due to the number of candidates, every candidate was limited to a 20 minute time restriction and no rescheduling was allowed.
My DD interviewed with her Congressman on November 30th, received nominations (USNA, USMA) on December 8th and was appointed to USNA on December 16th. She did not hear back from our senators yet.
Hello, sir. I'd like to know about things that will increase my odds of earning a spot at the USNA. I see you're a proud Navy father and I'd like my father to be the same. Any tips? Thank you, sir.
Hi, Fighter Pilot Zeek, some of the things my DD did were: 1. Take on as many leadership positions as you can and show passion for servant leadership 2. Working with the guidance counselor at her high school and teachers to make sure they are behind her application 3. Train for CFA hard 4. Study for SAT hard 5. Get high class rank and GPA 6. Review the USNA website and the career section to prepare for BGO Interview and finally don't give up. Many times people doubted that she would be accepted but she believed in her self and pushed forward.
Go directly onto your respective academies application file and you may have received a nomination. I know the senior senator (Senator Patty Murray) has sent nominations out to some academies for some applicants. Hope this is helpful. Thanks
Just heard back from Patty Murray today, got denied. Can't complain, I at least have a nomination. Good luck to everyone else here!
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