
  1. D

    Parent perspective on applicant priorities - SAT vs Athletics

    My DD is scheduled to take the SAT on Saturday. In order to do so, she'll have to miss her first game of the HS season. Her coaches haven't named captains yet and she's hoping to be named captain before the game. She’s certain this won't happen if she misses. Knowing her coaches (who repeatedly...
  2. C

    DoDMERB Disqualification Standard

    Hi all! I was wondering if a history of having an std is a disqualifying factor for DoDMERB... I'm trying to be 100% honest on the DoDMERB survey and paperwork. Is it a disqualifying factor if you somehow happen to have contracted an std in the past, but you're completely healthy now? What about...
  3. C

    PFE Inquiries

    Hi all, I attended the 2024 AIM Week/Session 3. I had been preparing for the PFE and took the PFE at AIM. Here were my scores: - 25 cadence pushups - 93 situps - 11:37 1.5 mile run total points: 245 I scored a total of 245. The admissions team had told the AIMsters that a score of above a 200...
  4. C

    Candidate Visit Weekend Questions

    Hi all, I’ll be attending the Candidate Visit Weekend (CVW) on September 19th and was wondering if anyone had any useful tips or words of advice before I attend. All candidates attending CVW feel free to respond to this post as well as prior candidates and/or plebes. Any parents or previous or...
  5. C


    Hi all, I’ll be attending AIM session/week 3 this Sunday and was wondering if anyone had any useful tips or words of advice before I leave. All 2024 Session 3 AIMsters feel free to respond to this post! Any parents or previous AIMsters or current cadets would be of so much help. Is there...
  6. phackett

    Tic Toc- time is running out!

    Good morning all! My DS has still not heard either way for the acceptance or denial of WP. He of course has many plan B opportunities. What are your thoughts on Norwich University and/or Indian River in FL( accepted to both) He chose these two because he is a 1 m and 3 m board diver and wants...
  7. S

    For those who went to West Point, what was your experience like?

    For those who have went to West Point, if you graduated or not, what was your experiences like? Was it difficult or do you just need to be responsible? What is life like on campus?
  8. S

    What are some tips to get into West Point?

    I'm planning on trying out for the wrestling team and other sports such as swimming. Any tips on what else I should do to get into West Point? Like the classes I should take, the extracurricular, etc. (For reference, I'm in the 9th grade.)
  9. S

    Sports and Role in admission chances

    I am a current Freshman, Ik that varsity sports is something that is loved to be seen in one's application to USNA or any of the SA's. I currently do Wrestling (JV1) and Track(JV2). Instead of doing Track next year, to push for that Varsity Letter and a shot of making it to...
  10. 9

    Appointed...Need Advice

    After 3 long years of applying, I have just received an appointment to USAFA. As truly humbled and thankful I am to receive this appointment after years of toil, I am really at a crossroads on whether or not I should accept the appointment. I'll explain my current standing. I am a 2nd year...
  11. U

    Am I competitive?

    I’m posting this knowing that y’all have probably seen posts like this dozens of times, but please bear with me. I would like to list out my achievements, as I still have quite some time in high school to improve on these, and ask you what I can do to build and improve my application. I will be...
  12. OrionVII

    Does anybody have any advice for cadets who want to go to USMA or USAFA?

    Does Anybody have any advice for high school students who want to attend USMA or USAFA?
  13. W

    Acceptable CFA Score?

    Hey everyone, I took my CFA recently and think I did well on everything but the pushups. My proctor said it was my call if I wanted to submit my score but he recommended not sending it. What do you all think? My scores (I am a male) were: Pushups: 31, Basketball throw: 74'2", Pull-ups: 8...
  14. WingsofBlue19

    What PFT score is most in need of improvement?

    After 2 months with no scheduled PT I took the PFT again, or atleast the JROTC version, which is watered down and consists of 1 minute of pushups, 1 minutes of Situps, and a 1 -mile run. My scores were as follows- Pushups/Min:52 Situps/Min:52 Mile Run: 6:52 A little 52 heavy, isn't it? I...
  15. A

    Relationship Advice

    My boyfriend, who I've been in a serious relationship with for a few years, just left for BCT today. I'm not worried in the slightest and we've talked and prepared for this for quite a while, but I wanted to see if anyone had any advice for the next four years in maintaining a long distance...
  16. S

    Embry Riddle NROTC vs USAFAPS

    I’m stuck between NROTC at ER and USAFAPS. I have two older siblings, one graduated from USNA and flying jets, another currently at USNA ‘24. My father also served 23 years Navy so it's a big influence. Does anyone have any advice or pros and cons about either one? Statistics? Academics...
  17. S

    Is this a disqualifying score?

    Yesterday we took our CFA. Prior to this we had another one in December. The Defense Attache Office says that they will take the best out of the two and send in our scores. So far if I remember correctly, my scores were: Basketball Throw: 70 ft. Pull-Ups: 12 Shuttle Run: 8.3 seconds? Modified...
  18. N

    All Things Beast Barracks

    Hey everyone! Incoming class of 2027 here. I wanted to ask any current or graduated cadets (or really anyone with information) about any and all advice for R-Day and Beast Barracks. I have seen miscellaneous advice throughout the forums but I thought it would be a great resource for myself and...
  19. N

    LOE/LOI and Medical

    Hello! I got an LOE from the Air Force Academy in mid-December that said a spot in the USAFA class of 2027 would be reserved for me provided I "meet all admissions requirements to include a qualified medical status." The letter continued to ask me to "submit all [of my] remaining admissions...
  20. N

    ALO Advice

    Hello! I got a letter of encouragement (LOE) last week from USAFA that said "A spot in the USAFA Class of 2027 will be reserved for you provided you meet all admission requirements to include a qualified medical status." The letter then continued to say "we are asking you to submit all your...