Hi all,
My rotc scholarship application was immediately denied after I put that I’ll have 60credit hours (a full AA). The senior instructor at my local college who I was talking with is currently unreachable but he told me there are 4, 3 and 2 year scholarships and that I am only required to do...
Hello, I've been using this site the past few months through my process and it's been of great help for my applications. I'd say I'm academically a good student, but lack in the athletics.
I got a 1430 on my SAT and have a 3.7GPA. I'm also the Vice President of the Honor Society at my school...
Hey Everyone,
I thought that AFROTC offered general/universal scholarships, meaning the acceptance into ROTC was independent of the school the recipient attended (of course, the school would have to offer an AFROTC program); however, in my scholarship application, the Air Force asked me to...
Hi Everyone,
I am 5 feet and 8.5 inches tall and weigh about 133-134 lbs (although, as a bit of a late bloomer, I am still gaining height). I hope to join the AFROTC, but I also plan to apply to AROTC as well. I am looking at the weight standards for the Air Force (The Army's maximum weight is...
I have been reading through several forums and see that some will not be awarded until February 1st but have also seen that many people have been awarded scholarships since this past Thursday. I was boarded on the first board but did not receive an offer from it.
I am a Varsity Football player...
I am a current high school senior who was recently awarded a 3-year Advanced Designee Army ROTC scholarship, and I had a quick question regarding the eyesight portion of the DoDMERB. My prescription is -11/-13 diopters, which I know is outside of the limit of +/- 8 d. I have pretty thick...
Question 2 is this: "State below in the space provided how you spend your time in a typical week during the school year. For Example, how many extra hours do you spend: at school, doing homework, engaged in athletic activities, engaged in extracurricular activities (i.e. clubs), engaged in...
Thanks for taking the time to look through this. I haven’t done my fitness assessment yet but the numbers on here are my estimates for when I do it. Everything else is up to date.
GPA (unweighted): 4.0
GPA (weighted): 5.56
ACT: 36 (with a 36 in all four sections, not sure if that matters in...
I’d like to preface this by saying I’m a rising senior who is in the process of applying to Army ROTC. I am trying to decide how to rank the schools on my list, but it’s hard to find definitive details about how the scholarships work in regards to different schools.
If I list 7 schools, what...
Anyone out there waiting on the G2G portal to change? I know that I received a scholarship; however, I don't think CC has processed my paperwork because my portal hasn't changed.
I'm well aware that no one can accurately "chance me," but I just I want to know the weaknesses in my stats so I can further work on them.
GPA (Weighted): 4.00
GPA (Unweighted): 3.72
SAT (Best Standing): Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 630, Math: 700, Total: 1330
SAT (Super Scored)...
My DD was awarded the Ike Skelton ECP 2 year after the first board. She has researched the program and has decided that it is not for her and will be declining it. The paperwork from CC states to sign, put her intent and upload to her portal under "Letter of Intent and Acknowledgement." When we...
Hello! Thank you for all the replies in advance. I am applying for the Army ROTC scholarship as a senior next year. Unfortunately, a lot occurred this year and my grades dropped, but my previous years show outstanding academics. My GPA is probably going to be a 3.2 or higher, but how should I...
Here is my situation: I was awarded a four-year Army ROTC scholarship and am all squared away to attend Baylor University in the fall... BUT I have not yet been medically cleared through DODMERB. I am expecting to be cleared (they are only reviewing a laparoscopic appendectomy I had in February...
I am curious, my DS received a 4 year AROTC scholarship. What happens or how does it work if it takes him longer to complete his Bachelors degree then the 4 years?
I was awarded a 4 year AROTC scholarship to UChicago #2 and NYU #3. I accepted the scholarship to UChicago, but I was denied admission to the school. I have been accepted to American University #4 and I am pretty sure I will be attending that school as long as the scholarship transfers. I am...
i am a highschool senior and I received a 3 year AROTC scholarship. I recently had surgery because I tore my acl and meniscus. Will I qualify for a medical waiver and will I be able to pursue AROTC as planned? I am just concerned and am looking for answers. My expected recovery period is 9-12...
I'm 17, a senior in high school, female, and an AP and Honors student.
I swam on my school's team freshman and sophomore year, and I currently do equestrian (not with my school).
My GPA is 3.75 and my SAT score is 1320 (on the 1600 scale) with a 24 on the writing section.
In a minute I can do 15...
I am currently a senior in High School and was offered a 4 yr AROTC scholarship after the first board. On my AROTC application, I listed my intended major as Biology, although I am becoming unsure that that's what I want to major in and I'm hoping to switch it to something else, probably...
Hey, so I've posted before, and I just wondering if anyone knows about Georgetown's arotc program or anyone involved. I have my heart set on Gtown SFS (International Relations and Arabic), and received a 4 year tuition scholarship there, and am looking to accept. I applied early to GU and...