
  1. T

    Should I run for class president or vice president

    Hi I am currently a junior and was on my student council this year as a Class Representative. Elections for next year are coming up and I am unsure whether to run for President or Vice President. If I ran for VP I would run unopposed because our current VP is running for president against our...
  2. J

    Questionable Leadership Expirience

    Hello! I plan on applying to the 3 military academies this coming cycle, and hopefully attending one and graduating in 2029. I have great grades, I’ve been involved in some sports and clubs throughout high school, but not a whole lot of leadership experience. I did, however, create a poker...
  3. C

    Additional Extracurriculars?

    Hello, I'm currently a sophomore in high school, and while looking at my current accomplishments, my extracurriculars (including sports), seemed a little thin. This is my current list: Freshman Year JV Wrestling MMA (Not school-affiliated Sophomore Year JV Wrestling, season got cut short...
  4. X

    lack of leadership

    Hello, I’m a junior (currently mid 1st semester right now) and am interested in applying to one of the service academies, but I would like some input on how I can improve my chances of attending. To give some background, I never really thought about attending a service academy until early this...
  5. P

    Lack Of Leadership Opportunities

    Hello all, I'm currently finishing my freshman year and am a little concerned about lacking in the leadership requirements. My academics are pretty good, and for sports I do jiu jitsu and plan on joining track sophomore year. I don't really have much leadership. Jiu jitsu isn't really a sport...
  6. makushin

    Athletics' effect on admissions

    I'm currently a sophomore in high school, running XC and TF. I'm about 20 seconds away from a semi-competitive mile time for NCAA D1. I'm am also part of two honor societies, volunteer for the Salvation Army regularly, participate in a leadership position in the Sea Cadets, am two years ahead in...
  7. C

    "Leadership Program"

    Hello, I am currently applying to the Air Force Academy for the class of 2027, but I have a unique situation: I go to a small school (class size of 20), and this school doesn't offer any clubs, organizations, student newspapers etc, instead they have a "Leadership Program" There are several...
  8. F

    Question About Leadership

    Hello there! I was looking through the USNA’a class profile, and I have a very important question. I saw that 66% of candidates are student body leaders. My school had the options of either having eighth period as a student body leader or as a JROTC leader. I chose to spend my eighth period...
  9. K

    Leadership Advice

    Hey everybody! I'm applying for the class of 2026 and I have a huge concern about my leadership. At the moment, the only leadership posts I held at school are being the swim team captain and founder/president of a school club. I have not been involved with my school's student council, however, I...
  10. FØB Zero

    Squadron Life After Grad for Pilots

    Howdy, I am planning on applying to USAFA/USNA/NROTC. I looked up a lot of info on career after grad, but couldn’t find a lot on the relationships between officers and enlisted personnel and between squadrons in general. How is leadership relevant/used when a pilot? On a daily basis? During...
  11. W

    How likely am I get an AFROTC scholarship?

    This fall I will be a high school senior. I am not particularly concerned about my academics, I am a little concerned about my fitness, and I am very concerned about my leadership experience. I have a 1410 on the SAT, although I am scheduled to take it again in September and I have gotten...
  12. BBF2003

    Leadership Opportunity

    Hello, I have been in a religious leadership organization (BBYO) for a little over a year now. In that time, I've held the chapter secretary position, and two separate chapter vice president positions. However, I've come across a fork in the road. For my 6 months as chapter secretary, I was...
  13. FØB Zero

    Special Olympics L/S

    Hey y’all, I was the special olympics team captain for a month and I’m curious if there is a section where I would mark for “sports team captain”, does this count? Thank you!
  14. FØB Zero

    Class size

    Good afternoon all, I go to a high school with ~300+ students in each grade level. Thus, It is very competitive to attain the “big leadership positions” such as class officer / team captain in my school. Is this as a large, small, or average class size? And I assume they put the class size I nto...
  15. B

    Best Way to Avoid being a lousy "Butter Bar" 2nd LT after ROTC & SA??

    Does anyone have any good advice on how to best prepare in Army ROTC to become a decent Infantry Platoon Officer and to avoid bad "butter bar" lieutenant mistakes?? What are some common mistakes that newly commissioned 2nd lieutenants make after completing ROTC and Service Academies? Would it be...
  16. B

    Most notable military generals/leaders, theorists, and strategists of all time in history?

    Who are the very best historical figures (generals, nation leaders, statesmen, monarchs, philosophers, military theorists) to study from in terms of leadership, strategy, tactics (in modern conventional warfare, siege warfare, maneuver warfare, guerrilla warfare, sea, air, etc.), different types...
  17. 11BravoArmy

    Chances of getting into USMA (West Point)

    I am going into my junior year and my dream is to get into West Point. The only problem is I did not realize this until halfway through sophomore year. I have started working very hard and pursuing better grades and leadership status. My freshman year GPA was a 3.1 (4.0 scale). Sophomore year...
  18. T

    TAMU Career

    I'm attending Texas A&M Kingsville next fall and then Texas A&M College Station the following year as I am in the PAS program. I want a career in the army AMEDD for as long as possible and do not plan on leaving until retirement. Uniformed Service University is my next one and only goal after...
  19. J

    Leadership Positions

    Hello Again, Everyone has been telling me that in order to get into the Naval Academy you should have a good leadership position. I work 3 jobs but I am not really in any leadership positions. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any leadership positions, or if I should join a program...
  20. R

    Varsity Letters through JROTC and Scholarship Chances

    I have received a varsity letter through jrotc drill and rifle team. Will they count as sports or as extracurricular activities? With that being said do I have any chance towards getting an AROTC or NROTC scholarship? Currently a high school junior Aspiring Major: Aeronautical Engineering GPA...