First, some information about me: I am a high school Junior, Male, and an athelete (lacrosse). I am in good shape and I generally get good grades (mostly Bs and some As.) I havent taken my ACT yet, so I cant provide that. Current Cumulative GPA is 2.8 (yikes, I'm currently getting a 3.8 gpa this...
I just received my rejection letter from the NROTC Marine Option 4 year scholarship board and I have a few questions:
1. Does this mean I will be deferred to the later board in February? The letter said I was not selected for the 4 year scholarship but it did not include anything about me being...
I scored a 265 on my first PFT.
17 pull-ups
76 crunches (I kicking myself for thinking crunches would be a guaranteed 100)
18:55 run
Does this put me in the competitive range for a 4 year NROTC Marine Option scholarship. I'll definitely do better the next time I take it because I had a cold...
Can I have a Social Studies/History teacher fill out my English evaluation on the NROTC Marine option application? I have written a lot of papers for her class so I was wondering if she could fill out my English evaluation for my application.
I am applying for an NROTC Marine Option Scholarship and I have heard it's helpful to meet with your local OSO before submitting your application. What are the benefits of meeting with an OSO? Is it just so you can make a good impression on him or her or are there other benefits?
How long does the NROTC Marine option recommendation form take to complete and what are you supposed to write about in it? I am about to ask a teacher and a coach for recommendations and I wanted to give them an idea of what they would be doing and how long it would take.
I recently started my NROTC Marine option application and I was wondering when I should aim to have it completed so that it is reviewed by both boards.
Hi I'm at a bit of a cross roads in terms of what school to choose. I've narrowed my two college choices down to Syracuse University and Miami Univeristy (in Ohio). The problem lies in that I plan on ultimately going into the Marine Corps (under NROTC). I do plan on transferring elsewhere...