
  1. W

    Letter Writing for Nominations

    My son is interested in the Naval Academy. He is entering his Junior Year of HS. I’m hearing some different things and hoping you all can help with some clarifications I was discussing nominations with a friend of mine who is a USMA grad about 35 years ago. He told me during his application...
  2. w@113r

    Changes to SA Nominations

    Just saw this announced by Service and Academy and ROTC Scholarship Insiders through a video. This will be in effect for USAFA, USNA and USMA for applicants to the c/o 2029 and to summarise: MOCs can nominate 15 candidates on a slate The number of appointments for Qualified Alternates is...
  3. usmausmausmausma

    Questions About Noms and LOAs

    Hey everyone, just had a few questions about nominations for those who hold LOAs... I know that the typical routine for questioning is first to try and peruse the forum for answers. However, in my case, I am still pretty confused even after doing this, so I thought to ask my questions here and...
  4. G

    Do I qualify for the National Waiting List?

    I recently heard back from my Congressman and found out that I did not receive a nomination to the USNA, but I did to another academy. This is obviously still good news as I come from a district in NJ, which I believe is pretty competitive. However, I was not too concerned because I received a...
  5. I

    USNA LOA Received, what does it really mean?

    Today I received an LOA (conditional appointment) from Navy’s admissions. When I looked at my applicant portal it appeared that I had unknowingly received a nomination as well. It appears that the only thing I need is to do my DoDMERB. Does an LOA guarantee me a full appointment given I am...

    Can West Point Help?

    Just a bit of background to start off this post... I currently live in one of the three districts in the U.S. that does not have a sitting congressperson (former congressman recently passed away). While this situation is quite unique, I have been informed by a USMA admissions officer that the...
  7. O

    Virtual Informational Seminars - Ohio - Hosted by Senators Brown and Portman

    The offices of Senator Rob Portman and Senator Sherrod Brown will be co-hosting four informational nights regarding the service academy application process. Due to COVID-19, the seminars will be held virtual this year. We are offering four dates, April 20th, April 27th, April 29th, and May 6th...
  8. P

    Military-Affiliated Noms: Can I receive BOTH Presidential and ROTC/JROTC nominations?

    Hi all, I am a current candidate for USNA and USAFA c/o 25. Both applications are completed (but working through a medical DQ), all nominations applied for, and I have so far received a nomination from my MOC to USNA (my first choice), JROTC to USNA, and Presidential to USAFA. My AFJROTC...
  9. A

    USMA-Congressional Nomination Interview

    Greetings to the forum community. I was just notified that I have a meeting scheduled concerning my congressional nomination for USMA. I've read many articles and threads on this forum on how to prepare for the interview, but I was wondering if anyone could share their experiences, or any tips...
  10. B

    nomination strategy

    Hi all. A question regarding congressional nominations: My DD is 1 of 10 nominated by a MOC to USNA. USNA is her top, and she has 2 more nom interviews in the coming weeks. She is unsure if she should say USNA is her top in these next cong interviews because she already got a nom and does...
  11. U

    Nomination, SAT Essay, and LOR Confusion

    Hello, I am currently a senior applying to USMA and I have three things I'm confused about. First, I am still very confused about how nominations work. I have already secured a JROTC Nomination and have applied for my congressional ones as well because I read that having more than one...
  12. E

    Help on Essays

    I'm currently in the process of beginning to write my essays for nomination applications. Are there any specific things I should/shouldn't mention in my essays? I'll also take any other advice anyone has to offer about essays and nomination applications in general.
  13. E

    Can Congressional/Senatorial nominations be used for multiple Service Academies?

    I am currently applying to West Point but am also considering the Air Force Academy due to its technologically inclined atmosphere. I haven’t gotten any nominations yet, but if I do, can I use them for multiple SA at the same time?
  14. T

    Thank you + advice for USNA applicants

    Signing off the USNA board after not receiving an appointment, and grateful to many on this forum. Thank you to everyone who posted - we didn't log in a lot, but we read the boards often. As a result, we've recommended them to many people. At this point we are very reflective and feel like...
  15. cousmma5280

    Wyoming-Riverton, Lander, & Surrounding Communities-Service Academy Information Day- March 14, 2020

    Sponsors: Senator John Barrasso, US Senator Mike Enzi, Congresswoman Liz Cheney Date: Saturday, March 14, 2020 TIME: 1:00 PM LOCATION: Wyoming Indian High School, 636 Blue Sky Highway, Ethete, WY 82601 PRESENTERS: Representatives from the Military, Naval, Merchant Marine, Air Force, Coast...
  16. cousmma5280

    Colorado-Alamosa-Service Academy Information Day-March 7, 2020

    Sponsor: US Senators Michael Bennet & Cory Gardner, and US Representative Scott Tipton Date: Saturday, March 7, 2020 TIME: 1:00 PM LOCATION: Adams State University, 208 Edgemont Blvd, Alamosa, Colorado 81101 The session will be conducted in the McDaniels Hall Classroom MCD 101 PRESENTERS...
  17. cousmma5280

    Colorado-Fort Morgan-Service Academy Information Day-March 7, 2020

    Sponsor: Senators Michael Bennet & Cory Gardner and Representative Ken Buck Date: Monday, March 7, 2020 TIME: 1:00 PM LOCATION: Fort Morgan High School, 709 E Riverview Ave, Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701 PRESENTERS: Representatives from the Military, Naval, Merchant Marine, Air Force, Coast...
  18. GoNavyBeatArmy1

    Secretary Noms and National Pool

    This question may have already been asked, and if so, redirection to the thread would be great, but what is a nomination from the “Secretary of the Navy”? And how does the “national pool” of candidates work?
  19. I

    Correlation between MOC slate submitted and appointment date

    It's purely speculation but watching this forum I've seen many people who have waited months and some waited weeks to receive appointments. What day was your nomination submitted(the date on the CIS) and what day did you receive an appointment? Hopefully, this will give an answer to whether...
  20. Beter

    Nominations essay

    how do you guys think this will do in the ”why do you want to go to a service academy” question on the nomination forms I see The USMA as an unparalleled opportunity at education and service, the reputation of West Point is enough by itself to entice hard workers and high achievers who desire...