permit to report

  1. I

    Can you fail the ABS Tests

    I was wondering if your ABS skill assessment tests can be failed or if they are strictly for placement into a math course. If you do poorly on the math exam, would USNA reconsider your offer?
  2. F

    Permit to report - ETA?

    Hello! I want to get all my stuff I need to get done for plebe summer done as early as I can and was wondering when the permit to report usually releases. I have been lucky enough to be able to get all the forms on the candidate portal done. Thank you!
  3. B

    COVID-19 Vaccine Screening Form and Immunization Questionnaire

    Is it possible for someone who has access to these two documents to reply to this thread with a link that works for those who can’t get their Adobe, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc, to open the documents? I was wondering if they downloaded the links into a pdf and posted them here if it would...
  4. A

    Class of 2024 Permit to Report Packet

    Hello, I am a high school senior who has been appointed to USNA for the class of 2024. I heard that the Permit to Report Packet usually comes out around mid April, so I have been checking to see if anyone has heard anything or received theirs yet. Will the PTR be mailed to us, or will we have...
  5. D

    Permit to Report Package Questions

    Hello! I'm currently filling out the permit to report package and I have a lot of questions. There are a bunch of terms I'm unfamiliar with so I made this thread to ask for some help. Thanks! To start off with: Base Access Pass Registration: -What is a Base Sponsor Name
  6. D

    Got Into the Naval Academy! "Folder" in the mail

    I have received and accepted my offer of appointment for USNA's class of 2023. I've received a "folder" in the mail just now which contained a Certificate of Accomplishment and a large picture with descriptions on the back. Is this the permit to report package? The timing fits, but what I know...
  7. U

    Permit to Report Package

    Hello! I have received and accepted my offer of appointment for USNA’s class of 2023. I am excited/anxious for I-Day and was wondering if anyone knew the general time that the permit to report packages would be sent out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)
  8. 5Day

    Permit to Report (last years)

    I know many of you are chomping at the bit to get ready for I day and your next 4 years at USNA. Unfortunately my DS is still waiting on an appointment. If you want to at least get a glimpse at what will be in the Permit to Report here is a link to last years...