prep school

  1. eveness200

    West Point DodMerb

    I was told my West Point application isn’t competitive enough for my DodMerb to be viewed or approved by West Point. Thus West Point isn’t being shown on my DodMerb. But is there still a chance i could get accepted to the Prep school. Im still competitive enough for USMMA, USAFA, and USNA. So I...
  2. gonavy__

    NAPS/CGAS ‘25!

    To those going to NAPS/CGAS next year or parents of future Napsters: me and a few others have a group chat on Snapchat, if you or your DS/DD would like to be in it, PM me with your Snapchat and Instagram. We are trying to get as many people as possible!
  3. A

    Holding on to Hope

    Hey, everyone, I’m just here sort to explain a weird and frustrating time that I'm undergoing with DODMERB. In a previous post, I recently mentioned that I am very fortunate enough to be offered a conditional offer to both USAFA and USNA’s prep school and an NROTC scholarship. The process of...
  4. A

    NAPS & USAFA Prep School

    Hello Everyone, I'm an applicant for the CO 2028 for both USAFA and USNA. I recently heard back that I was accepted to both of their prep schools. Did anyone else here in this forum hear back?
  5. ChickenNuggets

    Prep School Acceptance Rate

    I’ve searched a bit on acceptance rates to service academy prep schools but all my results only show the acceptance rate into service academies from graduation from the prep school. I specifically would like to know the acceptance rates to get into the prep schools. Thanks.
  6. K

    USAFA Prep School

    Anyone else go through the prep school to get their AFA appointment? I was USAFA class of 1993. Obviously it didn’t quite work out for me. Had some good times there and some not so good.
  7. U

    Quick Summarization of SAPs needed!

    Hey guys, I am currently in the middle of researching SAs and learning more about them. I aspire to attend USNA and other potential SAs. Can someone give me a quick brief rundown of how a prep school works for the service academies and what the benefits are from taking it as opposed to just...
  8. R

    Falcon Foundation USAFA Application

    Hello, I am a Falcon Foundation Scholar and I am somewhat confused about how the application works as a scholar. From people I know, they said that the only things I would have to redo for the next application cycle are the CFA, ALO Interview, and the Nominations. Can someone explain how the...
  9. S

    USMAPS 23

    Any USMAPS appointees yet?
  10. thesword76

    USMAPS 2022 Appointment List

    Congrats to everyone on their USMAPS 2022 Appointment! "HOW TO ADD A NAME: This is DIY self-reporting and self-updating the full list. Mods don't update the list. Kindly posters occasionally do, but the burden falls on posters to copy the list, add their entry and post the updated list. Ditto...
  11. FlyFalcon

    Northwestern Preparatory School C/O 2021

    Hello Everyone! It was advised to me by the awesome @Hopeful Mid 2024. To make an NWP thread so here one is. After receiving my Falcon Foundation Scholarship, I decided will be attending NWP with the Falcon Foundation Scholarship. It would be amazing to see who else would be at Northwestern...
  12. T

    Sponsored Prep - Usmma 2020

    Anyone get offered a sponsored prep slot for MMI or NMMI?
  13. L

    Prep School

    Does an applicant's ranking in the NWL dictate whether he or she gets to go to sponsored prep school? Example A: an applicant was just on the bubble for getting in USMMA, but ultimately does not. But because this applicant was so close, does this applicant get an offer to prep school? Or is...
  14. Nebulalabai?

    LEAD Program C/O 2024

    This thread is for prior enlisted Airman to discuss and answer questions for applying to USAFA's class of 2024. How did your application go? (edit - 2025 to 2024, apparently I am still confused on what year it is)
  15. Nebulalabai?

    CFA Scores

    Does anyone mind reviewing my scores and speculating my chances for a retake? Basketball Throw: 67 feet Pullups: 16 Shuttle: 9.4 Im cringing just typing this Situps: 78 Pushups: 66 Run: 6:58
  16. U

    USMAPS before USMA?

    Hey y’all, I am wondering if I should aim for the prep school (USMAPS/MMI/NMI) before West Point. Coming out of high school, I have no military back ground in my family and no military experience, and not much technical military knowledge so I feel that this would put me behind in West Point...
  17. J

    Question about applying to USMA

    Can a 2 year Community College student who is in the Air National Guard Pararescue apply to USMA/West Point if he's willing to join the U.S Army? The reason he wants to join USMA is because it's a good school that can build good character physically and mentally developing strong leadership...
  18. CmeB45

    NYC Parents

    Well guys we have almost made it to the end of this cycle. Some of our kids got in, some are heading to prep and some will take ROTC. Some will try agin next year. Anyone interested in meeting up for lunch in the city PM me. We are practically family at this point! We can keep each other...
  19. P

    Any sponsored preps/self preps in the SAP at MMI next year?

    I'd love to get to know some of yall before we meet! Also, does anyone know when we get a login for the MMI portal?
  20. BonoDex

    LEAD Program Advice

    Hello, I am currently in tech school and have been highly interested in the USAFA since high school, but didn't take the opportunity to apply. Now that I am enlisted and know about the LEAD program, I am extremely excited to begin preparations for applying. I would just like some advice as far...