the citadel

  1. F

    THE CITADEL- day one, what do I need to look like.

    I understand that I will receive the induction haircut but do I shave before hand? As a male is there anything I have to do otherwise? and thats honestly my one question
  2. N

    Reapplying/Readmission into The Citadel

    Hello I am trying to go back to The Citadel. I was at The Citadel in 2021 and 2022 unfortunately I had trouble with the room inspection part and had to leave both times. I did Seacadets since I was 14 years old to when I was 18 and achieved the rank of Po2. I also went to Jrotc CLC at The...
  3. L

    Should I contact? Or wait?

    I’ve just received a 3 year AD scholarship from the Army. The Citadel is my top choice, they recently announced winners of 3 or 4 year scholarships receive tuition/ room and board for the missing gaps. Would anyone have any advice on who to contact? or just wait a few days and see, as I just won...
  4. T

    VMI or Citadel? Psych major and USMC Commission

    Hey yall, I'm a current senior looking to major in psychology and commission into the Marines, and I have several questions on how to decide between the two. I've been browsing the forums, but most of the posts I've run into are for AROTC commissions which don't really help me that much. As...
  5. T

    Why do so many Marines graduate from the Citadel?

    Exactly as the title says. What makes the Citadel, compared to the other SMAs or ROTC programs, so appealing to Marine prospects? If you're a Marine officer who graduated from the Citadel, did you notice a large amount of your peers (who weren't in any Marine-specific classes) also going into...
  6. N

    Recieved 4-Year Army ROTC Scholarship (UNG or The Citadel), Planning to Re-Apply to SA's (Likely WP)

    Background: To begin with, I have dreamed of attending one of the SA's since I first learned about them my Freshman Year in high school. They seemed to be the best opportunity in the world to me: a top education with extensive military training and a guaranteed career in the military upon...
  7. B

    Where to Reapply From

    Hello everyone, So I would like some advice on this topic. I am sill awaiting a response from USMA, USAFA, and USNA to see if i obtained an appointment. That being said, If I happen to be denied from all three, I will absolutely be reapplying to USMA (my first choice) from whatever university...
  8. J

    The Citadel Changing

    I've been accepted into The Citadel and recieved a 4-year Army ROTC Scholarship with some additional scholarships on the side. I've been looking around on the internet for as much information as I can find about the school and I've come across some interesting opinions. From what I've read...
  9. J

    NROTC At The Citadel

    Hello, this is my first post but I wanted to see if I could get some more info. I’ve been academically accepted to The Citadel and I’m on track to be medically accepted in the coming weeks. My goal is to become a Marine Officer and I’m just wondering how they give out their NROTC scholarships...
  10. T

    The Citadel Application Process

    Hello Everyone, I was notified today that I was medically accepted to The Citadel and I plan to enroll in the fall. I wanted to know if there was any technical difference with The Citadels' medical acceptance standards compared to the DoDMERB in regards to what is waived and what is not. For...
  11. P

    Question about tattoos at the Citadel

    I know the Citadel tattoo policy is basically that it can't be visible while wearing a duty uniform. I've been wanting to get one (3 1/2" x 3 1/2") on my upper arm somewhere between my triceps and my shoulder. I am also currently filling out an application for the Citadel, so I certainly don't...
  12. MissO

    Ask a Knob

    One thing I vividly remember from my senior year of high school was seeking out any and all information about The Citadel that I could find... and what I found is that talking to current knobs was a good source of information. Therefore, I am opening this thread up for anyone with questions...
  13. J

    Advance Math Class, Drop or Fail, For VMI and USNA

    My son is applying to AROTC and NROTC scholarships, USNA, VMI and Citadel. He has a 1270 SAT (670 math) and a 3.6 gpa. Leadership classes, Varsity sports, volunteer time, AP classes and so much more. The question I have is what is better to have, a Fail in pre-calculus or not have taken it? Will...
  14. andreb72


    My DS has his ROTC interview coming up in the next couple of weeks, and we were asked to bring several items, including a resume. Does anyon know if their is a suggested resume format that is recommended or highly encouraged? Or should the resume simply follow the standard traditional formats...
  15. MissO

    1/1/1 and 2/2/2 PFT Scores

    Hi everyone, I took my first attempt at a PFT this morning, and I'm curious as to how my scores stack up? My coach gave me the standard 2/2/2 (APFT), but we also took my score from the first minutes and mile. Scores are as follows for the 1/1/1: 1 Min Push-Ups: 25 / 1 Min Sit-Ups: 40 / 1 Mile...
  16. kamtx

    The Citadel - What are my chances of acceptance?

    Hey! I applied to The Citadel recently, and I was wondering as to what my chances of acceptance are (I'm entering my Senior year of HS after the summer). ACADEMICS: -Unweighted GPA = 2.75 -Weighted GPA = 3.27 -ACT = 22 EXTRACURRICULARS: -JROTC freshman and part of sophomore year. -Cross...
  17. H

    My chances with the AFROTC scholarships

    My name is Drake Huffman, I am 17 years old and am a junior in high school. I have a 3.3 GPA, I am very involved with community service in my town, from mini league football camps, to being camp counselor for 6th graders. I was the captain of the football team and was thinking of running for a...
  18. MissO

    ROTC Scholarship - What are my chances?

    I am a 16 year old female, Junior in high school, wishing to serve my country as an Army Officer. I only found out I wanted to take this path about 6 months ago. I don't have the money to afford college on my own, and I'm super unsure about USMA. I honestly do not think they will accept me with...
  19. O

    VMI and the Citadel Questions

    I am currently applying to the United States Naval Academy, Virginia Military Institute, and the Citadel. I have a full-ride NROTC scholarship and am weighing the pros and cons of VMI and the Citadel in the event that I am not accepted to the Academy. I am currently leaning heavily toward VMI...